Chapter 13 - Short Training

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I’m surrounded by darkness. I can’t tell where it’s up or down, nor see my own body, despite knowing it’s there. I don’t mind it as I focus on my own breathing. I breathe deeply and calmly, letting go of all sensations other than my lungs being filled and emptied with air. Soon, I can see it. The energy of mixed emotions swirling within me. It looks like a “lake” that goes as far as the eye can see, the “water” darkened by the memories and negative feelings of the one I carry within me.

It’s a big “place” that houses all this “content”, yet it’s far from being full. It’s accurate to say that it just fills one tenth of what’s actually capable of, given prior experience, like the shallow part of the sea shore. I’m lowered to the “lake”, standing just above its surface,  just out of reach from the restless “waters”, that rage and thrashed all around that place. Despite that, it wasn’t like a stormy sea, whose waters move around to impressive highs and devour everything within its grasp. In this place, the surface is calm, even unmoving, yet within it I could feel the turmoil that happened in its depth.

I crouch, trying to touch the surface. I’m rejected. No. It would be better to say that it fought me off, shaking any possible control I could have out of my grasp. It reacted, breaking its seemingly peaceful appearance to try to get me, swallow me whole and consume completely, leaving no trace behind. Unfortunately for it, I was quick to retreat and escape from its grasp. I sigh and turn to a spot that stands out in a place full of dark, cursing colors.

It's like a small “oasis” that exists amidst an all-devouring sea of evil, prevailing against all odds, shining in a bright and warm, yet stubborn blue hue. That spot was almost insignificant when compared with the “waters” that embraced it, but it stood its ground, refusing to be consumed by the darkness that reigned the place, and pushing it back with strength. Like the surroundings, the surface was calm, but instead of the aggressiveness that hid underneath everywhere else, there was gentleness, yet a calm awareness, as if knowing that the darkness could just at any time try to devour it and was prepared to fight back and stand its ground to the last consequences.

I stood in the middle of the “oasis”, feeling myself be lowered further and be enveloped by the waters, that were either warm or cold. I felt my senses be expanded and reach to the corners of that place. Slowly, these waters expanded to the aggressive territory of the darkness, claiming terrain and fighting the evil “waters”, not pushing it away, but pulling it inside. Feeling the negative feelings trying to take root in that place, I felt a terrible urge to throw up. I contain this as I begin to corrupt his cursed energy. It’s hard, since I’m not as proficient in controlling my own as I was or as he still is, yet the victory is certain as it, with time, dissolves within myself. Surely, the familiarity builds up with time and the expansion grows fast.

At some point, I rise up, leaving the gentle “oasis” to float above it, if it would be correct to call it such. It had grown so much that it could be called a “small lake”, not as big as the one that still remained, yet now of a considerable size. Most of the "waters" were of a bright blue and crystal clear, but the other part, concentrated in the borders, were gloomer and hazy. I looked at it for a moment before feeling a painful sting in my chest as I could only watch the darkness reclaim space, taking over the darker parts of the lake, dyeing it back to black. By the time the pain stopped, the “small lake” had shrunk to half of its size before the aggressive “waters” moved.

That view disappears as I let go of my breath, fighting hard to keep myself cool, sweat dripping from my forehead. Not so different from the night before, just slightly easier. Not a good result.

“Goddamnit. It sure is stubborn. From all traits it could have kept, it HAD to be this. Fuck!”

I curse the curse within me, but don’t stay much in it. There wasn’t much I could do about it, but to try everyday, step by step, steadily. There was no need to rush. In fact, what happened was highly expected, and gave me great info. It certainly wasn’t wasted.

Then, a knock on my door takes me out of my thoughts.


Yuuji’s lively voice cries from the other side of the door. I chuckle and stand from my previous spot to open the door.

“Check it out! They just left this package on my door and there was another one for you! What can it be?”

He begins chatting happily, showing the packages in his hands, eyes glowing with excitement.

“Let’s open and find out.”

“Sure! Excuse me~!”

He sings as he enters my room. I roll my eyes and close the door behind us. He was already sitting on the bed, beginning to open his own package while the other lay at his side. I pick up and go to my desk to open my own, using scissors to do it more easily. What I find in my package is a couple of changes of clothes, but they are the same. I inspect it more closely and notice the button which has a distinct and familiar mark on it: it’s Jujutsu Sorcerer’s. Finally Yuuji opens his and gets the same expression I did.

“What’s this?”

“It’s our uniform. They took my measurements when I was first brought here and took my requests to customize it. They must have used the same thing for you, since we’re twins.”

“Oh, I see! Hey, let’s try it out! Quick!”

“I’ll get a shower first. You should too. That guy told me we were going to meet the last student from our class.”

“Oh, yeah. He said something like this on my phone last night.”

“Exactly, now shoo. Go to your room to get ready. I’m leaving you behind if you get late.”

“You mean! But, hey, don’t you think that’s strange that there are only four students in a class?”

“Not so much. Do you know someone other than me, prior to what happened at our last school, who could see curses and spirits?”

“Hm… Oh! There wasn’t that girl from a couple of years back?”

“No. That bitch was pretending. She was a con-artist, who wanted attention.”


“Oh, indeed. Now fuck off.”

I push him out of my room, slam the door and go to the bathroom. A cold shower should wake me up and take away the sweat.

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