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Walking through bushes and trees you made it to the spot where you shared your first kiss. 

"So what did you need to talk about?" You asked Ao'nung

"I want you to be my mate." he said grabbing your hands.

"I want to be with you forever. After I thought I lost you I've been thinking about how i was gonna tell you and I-"

"yes Ao'nung I would love to be your mate" You smiled cutting him off. He grabbed your chin kissing you moving to your neck. Ao'nung is in the mood and turned on. You knew what that would lead to. He dropped to his knees kissing you stomach. You wanted this But both your mothers would kill you and him.

"Ao'nung please our mothers would kill us." You mumbled. He rolled his eyes knowing you were right. He got up and started leaning on a tree.

"I know but it's been a long time since the war and I really missed you. I'll tell my mother and have it set up."  He said pulling you in for a hug. He was towering over you.

"Since when did you get this big?" You laughed. He started flexing his muscles.

"I got big in something else too." He said. You raised you non-existing eyebrow.

"What you mean by that mhm?" You asked he didn't answer.

"Soo what do you want to do? I'm free of my duties for 2 days." He asked changing the subject

"Wow changing the subject, but do you want to explore with me deeper into the forest? I've never been." You asked he nodded his head. Holding hands you walked deeper into the forest seeing colorful flowers and bugs. it is solitude, quiet, the smells of the trees reminding you of the water. Songs of animals and air you've never heard but at the same time you heard the ocean.  It makes you feel more at peace with the world. This feeling was like no other with Ao'nung it was also special. Ao'nung let go of your hand to look at a glowing flower closely. The way his muscles moved with his body and the way his hands looked around the flower. The smile on his face that could brighten up any day. His blue eyes wondering with curiosity making you smile. He turned to look at you his mouth moved but you didn't hear anything the beauty of him made every sound stop.

"What did you say?" You asked walking closer.

"It's getting dark do you want to go back?"He said walking towards you. But you heard yelling coming from the pods out front. Both you and Ao'nung walked out you were the first to see Kiri yelling at a group of boys. You questioned if this happened often, but that didn't matter. Letting go of Ao'nung's hand running to the group.

"Yoo what's going on is there a problem?" Yo asked kiri trying to calmly defuse the comotion.

"Yea these bitches wanna bother me" She said rolling her eyes  one of the boys started laughing.

"2 freaks look at them. One is a monkey and the other is a super freak. Look at her eyes she's a weirdo." One of the boy said laughing.

"Just walk away ok breathe calm yourself." You said to kiri knowing it was for you to listen to yourself. You began to walk away until one of the boy said something making all of your skin feel hot.

"Yea walk away. Wish she would have died when we threw her off that cliff." One of the boys laughed making everything and everyone go silent. Without turning around you asked what did he say.

"I said I WISH-" you cut him off by pushing him to the ground pushing his hands so you could sit you knee's on them stopping him from moving. Your fists crushing into his face over and over again you didn't stop. Smiling you heard him scream and cry for help but no one moved you heard a crunch then realized what you were doing to him. Your hands were painted red and so was his face matching. Blood down you clothes you get off him looking behind you seeing Ao'nung holding is arm in front of the other boys signaling for them not to move closer to you. Kiri rolled her eyes walking away. Looking down at the boy he was unrecognizable, face bloody and battered.

"Who ever says anything to her in such a way shall have the same result to their face by me." he spoke lowering  hands. The boys walked to you bowing as an apology you did say anything you kept looking at your hands. What could you say? Sorry, but oh you were not sorry. The fear in is eyes the screams from him tormented you into the pleasure. Making you smile in a twisted way. Ao'nung dragged you into the water making you rinse the blood off. He began he looked hard at you like he was thinking.

"I never knew they threw you off a cliff. What was that about?"He said sternly.

"What do you mean?" you said confused

"Look me in the eye and tell me its not true." He said. Rolling your eyes you grabbed your bracelets and necklaces out of the water to dry. You knew that Ao'nung was mad but he didn't need to be. It was so long ago why did it matter now? He worried about that when I still have so much to do in order to be his mate. I had to take alot of tests and learn to ride a Skimwing. Walking to your pod you wanted to begin all of those things. You wanted to pass and get everything over with so you could be forever with Ao'nung. 

"Look Ao'nung I want to be with you but what if i'm not a good Tasik? What if the clan don't see me as good- " You started Ao'nung cutting you off.

"Who cares what they think? It's not about them it's about us and our future. Haven't you almost given you live to protect people of the clan mhm?" He said grabbing your hands looking at you with lidded eyes.

"I know it's just..I don't know" You said looking down

"I see you and no one else. You are what brightens me up to do right by you. there is no one or nothing that can stop me from loving only you." he said lifting your chin. The purple sky shining bright colors popped off of you. The light brightening the blue in his eyes with a hue of purple too. It was getting dark so Ao'nung slept over. Walking in your room he made himself comfortable while you laid on top of him. As your hearts were in sync you closed your eyes his strong arms snacking around you. The warmth making you fall asleep.

You were on the ship tied up on the pole Tuk, Tsireya, and Lo'ak were next to you. Tsireya got loose helping you when hard footsteps walked closer. without another second to spare a loud bang was heard. Tsireya dropped to the ground blood on everyone and everything Tuk screamed as you were in shock.Nothing you could the the woman came next to you holding the gun to your head then *BANG* .

 Waking up you had tears in your eyes. The tears run down your face. You tried to stop them but nothing worked it only made it worse. The you started sobbing waking up Ao'nung. His hands snaked around your waist his chin on your head. Rubbing your back he told you it was ok everything was gonna be alright. Soon after you cried yourself to sleep again.

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