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You woke up to an empty bed and laughter outside your bedroom. Walking to the noise it was Ao'nung and your brother. Laughing they told you good morning.

"Whats up?" you asked them.

"You got to learn alot today actually. From training to fight and something else. My mother said she wanted us to mate when the Tulken came back which is in 8 months. So you have to take lessons from her." he said as you sat next to him kissing him.

"Yall act as if im not here! this is so *blugh*" Roxto made a fake gagging noise. Rolling your eyes you got up saying you goodbye's and grabbed breakfast. Ao'nung not to far behind walking as if he was a little puppy.  Walking to his pod you were greeted with smiles from Tsireya and Tonowari. Ronal walking out of a different room.

"Come, you must show me what you remember." She said waving her hand towards the door she came from. Walking into the room there were medicines and ointments of many kinds. Sitting on the floor she began to ask questions about each of the containers and what they were used for.

"That's for a deep cut." you said answering.

"And this?" she asked pointing to the last container.

"If someone broke a bone?" you questioned 

"Correct, now it's time to put all that you know to the test." she stated getting up walking out of the door with you right behind.

"Wait what do you mean?" you questioned coming closer to her as she walked out of the pod.

"You will be helping me heal the wounds of the fishermen and women" she said walking to the part of the beach where the fishers would be. Seeing many fish a group of men carried a big fish an Akula with alot of wounds. The men dropped the fish on the sand and walked over. You immediately started on their wounds covering the small cuts the working your way up. Some needed to be wrapped in seaweed. One man's wound was a big cut across his stomach you wondered what was going on in the waters. Ronal called you over to help you with a woman whose leg was twisted in the wrong way the bone looked like it was going to stick out.

"This is something you haven't learned but i want to show you now not later your just staring- Why are you just standing there? Move her already" she started yelling at men. The men brought the woman to the healing pods Ronal and you right behind. They placed the woman in a bed to where her leg was up. Ronal had two sticks in her hand telling you to hold her leg straight. The woman began yelling and screaming in pain. As the sticks were on Ronal told you to but the ointment on her leg as she wrapped it in seaweed. Everyone was tired and it was nearing eclipse.

"You have helped enough, you can go home."Ronal said. Thanking her you walked along the shore you felt big hands on your waist. 

"I miss you what took so long?" Aonung said putting his chin on your head snaking his hands around you waist.

"A fisher broke her leg so I had to help with that and she kept screaming." you laughed continuing to walk.

"What did you do?" you questioned.

"Had to hunt. it was boring though" he sighed. You will have to do this for the next 3 months. You had a responsibility to protect and to heal but clearly you weren't good at one.

"I'm scared what if those humans come back" ou questioned

"They won't and if they do I'll be the one saving you" he nudged you trying to lighten the mood

"I know i just want to be safe."you said sighing

"Ok i'll help you." He said holding your hand walking you to your pod.

"But you'll need sleep so rest ok"he said walking into the pod.

"Yeah ok, are you going to stay?" you questioned

"Yea why not" he said walking to your room you made a pile and tried to fall asleep. But everytime you closed your eyes all you could remember was the war. You kept questioning what in they come back. what if all these questions you had stored in your head you had doubts that you really beat them. Questioning your safety of your future until you finally fell asleep.

𝑀𝓎 𝐸𝓎𝓌𝒶 (Ao'nung x reader)Where stories live. Discover now