Chapter 22: Good Without You

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I find myself in a bedroom of a house with pale walls when I rise from the puddle. There is a bed neatly straightened and made with fluffy blankets and soft pillows. Toys lay around on a carpet, randomly selected and spread about. Pictures of me hang on the walls and some pictures of Dream as well. I frown, catching onto the fact that this room is meant to be mine.

He will never get me to come here. This room is a trap and a mockery of what this family has been to me. His family at least. I have to be careful though, don't know what he is planning. And he has Ink on his side which makes it even more unpredictable.

I slip out of the room cautiously without making a sound. I glance around, seeing neither of them around. I creep down the hall with light footsteps, noticing all the names printed on the doors. Mr. Blue's room has extra care taken to it as well as Mr. Cross' room. I've met them only once or twice and could tell that Dream had deep, if only temporary, interests in them. I note the names on the doors to my memory, knowing that those dusty, cobwebbed rooms for Lux and the other names are most likely other abandoned children that they seek to bother without end.

Then I come across one door labeled THEM and had darker colors than the rest. There weren't any cobwebs in the hinges or around it so it's been maintained recently. Then I hear voices from down the hall.

"He's coming, Ink! He is really coming! Your plan worked!"Dream cheers

"Told ya so. Everyone has a weakness, just have to use it to your advantage."Ink says

"I don't see why he cares for them so much. They are Error's kids so they are bound to be trouble when he could be remaking a family with us."Dream sighs

"Whatever you say. Now where's your candy in this kitchen?"Ink asks

I slip into the dark room, quietly shutting the door. The I hear the clinking of chains and glance over, my eyes meeting Slate's. His eyes widen at the sight of me as he lays on a blanket and pillow, his wrists chained in cuffs to the wall.

"Palette!"He says, his voice no louder than a whisper

"What are you doing here?"I ask

"Golden boy didn't like how I treated you and wants to keep me here until I learned my lesson. Palette, I'm so sorry. I-!"He begins

I summon my roller and slash some paint to cut through the chains. It burns through the chains and he sits up, newly freed.

"Get lost."I say quietly

He nods, teleporting away.

"Rebooting 48% complete!"I hear nearby

I glance over and gasp, covering my mouth. Gradient lays on the rough stone floor rebooting with some bruises and a chain trapping him to the wall. Radier lays not too far away, an arrow or two in his tentacles as well as bruises or chains holding his unconscious body down. I slip between them to my knees and quickly pull the arrows out of Radier. I try to heal the two of them while gently shaking Radier to wake him up. I know I can't touch Gradient without endangering his rebooting progress. I slice through the chains on them as Radier starts to wake up.

"Palette....? What's going on....?"He asks quietly

"I'm getting you both out of here."I say

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