Chapter 26: Places, Places!

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Palette's POV two weeks later

Finally, a peaceful dream! I'm going to enjoy this!

I walk through the peaceful atmosphere into a cotton candy forest as the most relaxing music was sung by birds flying overhead. I smile, taking a peaceful stroll down the path and enjoying the sights. But then a darkness overcomes the land and blinds my sights.

"You just don't know when to stop, do you? So naive and foolish with the things I found here."A voice says

I frown, expecting it to be my uncle popping in like he has usually done and mock me in my sleep. Except...That wasn't his voice. I see a shadowy figure approach me with only a devious smirk visible.

"Well let me teach you with a single order. Leave Goth for you are just a burden holding him back."They say

I cross my arms.

"I'm his best friend. I won't leave him."I say

I try to go past him but couldn't move my feet.

"Yeah you aren't going anywhere. This dream is put on hold. Let me rephrase it. You need to leave him alone."He says

"Yeah right."I say, rolling my eyes

Another jerk like Raven....

"All you do is hold him back. Your time of meaning something with him is rubbing out. He has far more potential to achieve than you. There's going to come a day when he starts preparing for his divine purpose like his father's work and I'll be there to guide him and see it. But he won't have time for you and your mortal games anymore. He'll leave you sooner or later. You're simply delaying the inevitable. Why would he keep you when he can have dozens of best friends?"He goes on to explain

"We're loyal to each other. I won't abandon him and he won't abandon me. You could be surrounded by friends but still feel alone. Quantity doesn't equal quality."I say

"Well could you just step aside so other quality friends could get to be with him?"He suggests

"Then why don't you ask his other friends to do the same?"I ask

"Because out of the entire group, he is focused on you. You're at the center of his attention and tries to get near you more than anyone else. He's denied others like me because he wants to be with you. As I said, you're holding him back. Just watch him and you'll see what I me-"He says, getting cut off by the ring of my alarm

I quickly wake up and smile.

Glad that's over. He sounds worse than Raven. Raven is his brother and being protective while that guy is creepy, wanting to "be with" Goth....Definitely some sort of god or Demi-god since he spoke so low about mortals or referred to me as one as if it was meant to degrade me.

I get up quickly to catch the bus, thinking it was over. But that was far from the truth.

This stranger continued to intrude on my dreams to debate and demand that I leave Goth over the next few weeks. I couldn't where move until I woke up. But I grow to notice how right he is about Goth. I notice that my best bud tries to spend the most time with me, rejecting others in order to do so when they offer to hang out with him. Even when we're in a group he will focus on me with his gaze, sitting close as he can be to me, and zoning in to the point of ignoring our friends talking to him.

Maybe I am holding him back....

So, I got another job nearby and dived into the shifts at two jobs or my schoolwork, making my schedule packed. I still set time aside for friends and family including Gothy but just not as much so it isn't outright rejection or abandonment which would be wrong of me, hurting both of us. It opens him to making new friends or connecting with others. I can't be the only one he devotes time to after all.

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