Lets go to bed {part 1}

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This takes part after you get the interview

The rocky road shook your car at times as you were on your way to your already 3rd summer job as your last one you were stupidly fired from for arguing with the managers daughter. That was besides the point you have a job you like!


You finally found yourself greeted by the 'Camp Campbell' sign even if the 'bell' part was faded you found it quite charming you kinda liked it better as camp camp. You parked your car in a safe spot and headed to the councillors cabin you roughly remembered where it was due to your small tour.
Knock Knock you knocked twice as you were going to knock a 3rd time the door was swung open and you were greeted by a tall red headed man. 'What was his name again..javid..Dan.. ugh what was it..it definitely had a "da" at the start...right! David'. His name was kinda ugly to be honest...(I'm sorry I know its not but yeah) "Hi again [Y/N]! It's been a week since I last saw you!" David exclaimed. Well his voice made up for his name. "Yeah I guess it has. I almost forgot my way here." You responded in a less loud tone and kinda sarcastic at the end. You kinda felt like you were being watched. Oh well if you died you died. Your beloved pets are with your mom. (if you even have any) You had already arrived in your "uniform" since it arrived quickly into the mail. It was just some cargo shorts you had and the given t-shirt.

David grabbed your wrist and took you to a small tour to 'jog your memory' as David says. You went through the flagpole to the mess hall where the quartermaster was "cooking" slop. Yuck. He then took you to the docks and then to the campers tents and finally. The activity area you hadn't seen there yet so everything was so new. The stage for drama a castle where a elf girl? Boy? Person?? Okay person. Popped up you guessed it was just for some roleplay thing. And a damn sad excuse for a science "lab" I guess it worked for the odd trio that was there only one of them looked like a nerd eh. You looked at the thing people skated on what where they even called..oh well there was this cool barbie looking girl going down and she. Fucking. Fell. Through. The. Thing. You. Can't. Name. Though she came out okay from what you could see a few scratches. "Omg is she okay-" you exclaimed and gathered attention of the army of 10 year olds without meaning it. "Jesus christ who let in bugs bunny." the kid in the blue chamber hoodie said. You glared at him and sighed not much you can do to a kid without getting arrested I'm afraid. David helped out the girl and once he was done he took you to the councillor's cabin. Back to the start and he let you unpack. Oddly there was only 1 bed (I've actually never seen 2 beds in the show but you won't share with David until a while.) What about the other Councillor did they take turns?.. "ah I see you noticed the bed situation usually gwen and I take turns and one of us sleeps on the sofa but I'm pretty sure Mr. Campbell has a blow up bed somewhere!" David said bringing in one of your bags you couldn't carry. "Oh I guess that'll work out. So what are the campers names again?" You questioned the freckle covered red head. And. Oh. Fucking. Boy. It'll be hard to remeber all their names..after a few other things you just settled down for the rest of the afternoon to get comfortable.

I hope you kinda enjoyed that it took me a bit to finish it since this is my first ever fanfic

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