Close Call

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Disclaimer note that God Eater belongs to Bandai Namco Entertainment any of their characters belong to them except my OC's


Near a desolate place littered with buildings either broken or with huge chunks on their walls lies James now no longer a human but a reptillian like beast.

James: 'Thoughts what did I do to deserve this I mean I'm alive but this definitely ain't a place I wanna be at well more like universe....... since this is like if someone was to combine Attack on Titan, Monster hunter and Prototype combined with a side dash of Fallout'.

*Stomach growls*

James: Uggh fine I'll find some food.....wait but I have to cook it though.

Stomach: YoUrE A FiRe BrEaThInG LiZaRd YoU DuMb BiTcH.

James:..........oh fuck you...

With that said James got up from his position and went off at a trotting pace towards a tall building to survey the area thankfully he managed to get some practice with his new body and wasn't tripping every 15 seconds.

2 days ago

James: Okay you can do this you're a man now a strong willed man so let's go and....

*Starts walking and gradually getting faster*

James: 'Hey this might not be bad after all...might as well start running'

*rips out a shockwave in the air*

James : Wooooooh yyeeeaaahhh bbooii I'm fast a fuh.

*trips and rolls before faceplanting unto a pile of rubble *

James: mmm hhhuu hhuu *muffled whimpers of pain*

Flashback end

James: 'Yeah......that definitely did not happened' thought James while scaling up the building.

As James had finally reached the top of an 9 story building he used his excellent vision to look around to see if there was something easy to catch. With a couple of minutes of scanning he saw some targets one was a pack of raptor like monster with bodies covered in fur consisting of 4 them which can be seen near a desolate parking lot these are called Orgetails, two was an orange monkey sleeping near a ledge of a building it was called a Kongou, three was spotted near broken church it was a giant manticore like beast but although it lacked a scorpion tail it did not make it any less fierce this was a Vajra.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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