jealousy pt1

37 0 7

While Wednesday was looking all over the school for you she finds you and xavier Thorpe laughing and smiling a wave of anger and disgust went over her as she walked in the room what happend she asked nothing you say I'm gonna go says xavier are we going to my dorm or your dor-you were interrupted by wednesday saying my dorm she grapped your hand everything was so fast as you and her walked to her dorm you guys were holding hands which is unusual for you once you got in the room wednesday sat on the bed and you follow her you sat beside her on her bed what happend she asked I fell you say but after you said that you started to get a sharp pain in your stomach which made you say ouch must have got stabbed by glass wednesday says no I was fencing with Bianca without gear which was a stupid idea you say are you ok now wednesday asked and the conversation went on for about 2 hours now it is 8:00 it's too late to go back to your dorm now wednesday says your right you say you will have to sleep her wednesday

Word count:208

wednesday ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя