18: confessions

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"This is my dream. This is it." Luke said when they walked into the small bookshop/cafe. From Michael's research, he knew Luke would love it. It was a half bookshop, half cafe and bar, with twinkle lights hung all around, and a retro 1920s feel. Michael had made Ashton describe the photos online to him, and he knew it was the perfect place to end their date right away.

He smiled, kissing the back of Luke's hand and letting the taller man guide him through the stacks of books by the front door.

"Seriously, I'm obsessed. Bury me under the floorboards." This drew a loud laugh out of Michael, and he turned, stifling it in Luke's shoulder.

"You're so dramatic; you know that?" He smiled as he affectionately rubbed his cheek against Luke's shoulder.

"Yeah, I know, you love it." He could hear the cheeky tone of Luke's voice and could imagine him grinning cheekily.

"Yeah, unfortunately." He playfully bit Luke's shoulder before standing up straight.

"Oh my god!" Luke squealed, and Michael jumped. "Sorry, it's just- they have a sign advertising M.G. May's newest book! Can you believe it's supposed to come out in six months?! I've already signed up for the presale."

Michael smiled, basking in the glow of Luke's excitement over his work. He always appreciated hearing what his fans had to say, and knowing Luke's love for his books came from a place of genuine, unknowing adoration made it that much more special.

"Yeah, so I've heard. You think Nate and Juliet will end up together this time?"

He felt Luke shrug next to him.

"Honestly, I have no idea, I'm not sure there's any coming back from where they left it last time, but I'll always hope. Maybe if I wish hard enough, M.G. May will hear my prayers." He joked, bumping his arm against Michael's, and Michael tried so hard to prevent the grin from spreading across his face that his lip started to bleed. One day he would tell Luke that he had been listening, that he had written down every single one of his ideas and considered several for this next book. He couldn't wait for that day to come.

"You never know who's listening," Michael pulled on his hand, nodding towards what he hoped was the front of the shop. "You wanna see about that ice cream now?"

"And then we can look at the books?"

Michael laughed, rolling his eyes as he tugged on Luke's hand again. "Yeah, you bookworm, then we can browse the shelves."

Luke interlocked their hands, guiding Michael toward the bar at the front of the room. They sat on the barstools, soft French jazz playing in the background. It was pretty busy for seven o'clock, so they enjoyed the ambiance for a few minutes before ordering.

Michael got them an Affogato to share, loving the excitement in Luke's voice as he narrated the pouring of the espresso overtop. The sweet vanilla gelato cut the rich espresso, and if the moan that Luke let slip was anything to go by, he was also enjoying it.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure this is heaven."

"I don't know if I've ever tasted anything so good." Michael hummed around a spoonful, letting the sweet cream melt in his mouth.

"Thank you again for tonight," Luke's voice was quiet, just loud enough to be heard over the hum of conversation around them. "This has been the best date I've ever been on."

"Same here," Michael smiled, taking another scoop, "but it's not over yet."

"Oh yeah? What else could you possibly have planned?"

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