His & Hers

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Pitched by Anonymous
Written by Paige

It is Haeng-son's day off from the shop, but as a mother, when it is said that it is a day off, it doesn't really mean that. It is more likely to mean a housework day.

As Haeng-son woke up late, she turn to her side and see Chi-yeol clothes lying around their bed. She is really pissed off because it's been forever since he scolds and teaches Chi-yeol for that particular lesson in their house. She knows that Chi-yeol is still been adjusting to moving into a much more little space, and sharing it with others, but she is at the point now to teach him a lesson.

Haeng-son did the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, including the fridge, and clean Hae-e's and Jae-woo's room, the living room, and the entire house, to be exact. Haeng-son is such a super-mom, and she is also a super-wife, and she's about to teach her husband a lesson.

Haeng-son took Chi-yeol's favorite set of clothes and wear them. It is the most expensive white long sleeves, and his favorite black slacks that she gave him. She was about to wear his favorite coat, but it was hot close to summer, and she already have a lot of oversized apparel on her body, so it'll be hard for her to move. Chi-yeol also forgot his glasses, which Haeng-son almost sit in. So she took it and wear it too.

It is about 6 pm already, but the sun is still up high. Haeng-son is just relaxing now in the living room on the Chi-yeol clothes, waiting for him. Jae-woo is busy during the shop's peak hours and promised that he can get out the night and have fun. Hae-e is attending a party after school. It is just her and the lovely silence, till Chi-yeol arrives.

The door chimes Chi-yeol enters. He already texted Haeng-son he is gonna go home early because he just had a meeting and all of his classes are already done.

He continued his way directly to the kitchen, but then...

"Mr. Choi Chi-yeol, where are you going?" not knowing Haeng-son was in the living room waiting for him.

He was caught in between and then turned around to where he could hear her voice.

To his surprise, Haeng-son is wearing his clothes and the glasses he clearly forgot.

He was already tired, but his senses awaken when he saw Haeng-son in his clothes. He honestly doesn't what to feel or doesn't know how he feels. Because it feels like he has butterflies in his stomach, but on fire.

He doesn't know if he should be mad, because Haeng-son clearly knows he doesn't want his stuff being touched, nor him touching others' things. She was clearly wearing his favorite pair of sleeves and pants. But also, he feels it is funny, because Haeng-son mocking him, slapping him in the face that he even forgot his own glasses. Or he should be scared because Haeng-son seems to be pissed, he could feel her arms ready to hit him anytime. Lastly, even with the high-setting AC, his butterflies on fire seem to already have conquered his body. Still, he got no idea what was going on.

His feet were frozen in the middle of the floor, so Haeng-son stood up and went close to him. But as she gets close, he tries to get back. Yet Haeng-son pulled his tie, which made their faces very close to each other. But it doesn't seem to be an invitation for a kiss. He tried to pull out but he only fell, and Haeng-son conquered him much easier now. Now he has no way out of it.

"Mr. Choi, how many times do I have to teach you to observe cleanliness and put back things where they belong?" Haeng-son shouted in his ears.

"Huh?" still confused.

"Why do I always have to clean up for you, huh? Jae-woo is neat, Hae-e is responsible. You, you're great at math but bad at house works!"

Now he gets it, Haeng-son is pissed and mocking him.

"Sorry, ma'am, that would never happen again. I promise," he said panicking.

Haeng-son pulled his tie tighter, closer to her. She stood up, but since she is wearing long pants, her feet were already covered by the cloth, and slipped down to their shining wooden floor.

With Chi-yeol's reflexes, now Haeng-son is under him, catching her neck and waist.

Both of their worlds suddenly stopped,

Chi-yeol already passed through his wife's anger, and now all he can feel was his butterflies in flame.

"You know this works..." he said softly while staring at her entire face.

"What?" now Haeng-son is the one who is confused.

"I could carry you to the bedroom, so then you could teach me how to keep my clothes tidy."

"Also we could use these clothes I'm wearing, and you're wearing as example. Mine is dirty throughout the day, and yours is clean."

"Let's keep them nice and clean, since those are my favorites."

In Haeng-son's head she starts to think, "Yeah, this works for me too."

"Okay, Mr. Choi, would you like to take me to the bedroom so I could teach you where to put your clothes after you take them off?"

"Let's go!" he stood up carrying Haeng-son. Then Haeng-son starts to kiss him, holding his neck so she could get closer while she is still in his support.

They went out of the frame in the living room area, but the opening bedroom door was heard, and as it closes down shut loudly, but they never cared.

Because it is just him & her, for his & hers.

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