Hi, Miss You

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Y/N's family had to move to another due to his father's work. Everyone in his family was ecstatic and excited to experience something new, except for Y/N.

He didn't want to leave the place that he knew oh so well, the lifelong friendships he had made. But most of all, he didn't want to leave one special person, Emma.

Emma and Y/N were friends for as long as they can remember. It was only a year ago that they started dating. The past year had been the happiest the two have ever been, but all good things must come to an end.

They were currently taking a walk at their favourite park which they had their first date and now ironically their "last" date.

Emma: Love do you have to go?

Y/N: You know I have to.

Emma: Please don't leave.

Y/N: I'm sorry, I can't just leave my family.

Emma sighed knowing this would be be her final goodbye to him. She jumped into his arms, kissing his lips.

Y/N: I'll miss you.

Emma: I'll miss you too. So much.

Y/N walked Emma back to her house kissing her for the last time.

Y/N: Be safe.

Emma: Please don't forget me.

Y/N: I promise, I won't.

Emma: Goodbye Y/N.

Y/N: Goodbye Emma.

And with that, it was all over. They now had just  become memories to each other. A childhood spent together. The other's first love and each other's first heart break. Their parents weren't lying when they said there are few pains worst than having one's heart broken.

Y/N locked himself in his room. The room he had grown up in. Now the room of his heartbreak. He would never forget Emma. Nor would he forget him.

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