Office Crush Blossoms (by CHATGPT)

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Emma had been secretly crushing on Y/N for months now. They worked in the same office, but in different departments, so they didn't have many opportunities to interact. However, every time she caught a glimpse of him in the hallway or at the water cooler, her heart would flutter and she would feel a rush of warmth through her body.

One day, Y/N's department was hosting a happy hour at a nearby bar. Emma had planned on going home after work, but when she heard about the event, she couldn't resist the chance to see Y/N in a more relaxed setting. She hesitated for a moment, but then decided to take a chance and join the festivities.

When she arrived at the bar, Y/N was already there, chatting with some of his coworkers. Emma ordered a drink and tried to act casual as she joined the group. Y/N turned to her and smiled, and she felt her heart skip a beat. They talked for a while about work, but Emma couldn't stop thinking about how much she wanted to know more about him.

As the night went on, the group started to disperse. Emma was about to leave when Y/N asked her if she wanted to grab a bite to eat. She agreed, and they ended up at a nearby diner.

They talked and laughed for hours, getting to know each other in a way they never could have in the office. Y/N was kind and funny, and Emma found herself falling for him more and more with each passing moment.

Finally, when they finished their meal, Y/N walked Emma back to her car. They stood there for a moment, both feeling the electricity between them. Y/N took a step closer and gently lifted Emma's chin with his hand. He leaned in, and Emma closed her eyes, waiting for the kiss she had been dreaming of.

Their lips met, and Emma felt like she was floating on a cloud. Y/N's kiss was gentle and sweet, but it also conveyed a depth of emotion that she had never experienced before. They pulled away, and Emma looked into Y/N's eyes, knowing that she had found something truly special.

From that moment on, Emma and Y/N were inseparable. They fell deeply in love, and every time they kissed, Emma felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world. She knew that she had taken a chance by going to that happy hour, but it had been the best decision of her life. She was grateful for every moment she spent with Y/N, and she knew that they would always be there for each other, through thick and thin.

So I was bored and decided to see how good of a oneshot CHATGPT can write

Thanks for reading :) qwerty

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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