Birth of the Order

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The fallen leaves, tell a story...

The birth of a gifted child, a new found source of incredible power, human societies shaken to their very foundation, war, and most importantly, a new found faith. A series of events that shaped the era of today.

Two centuries ago, a new kind of power now known as quirks, came into the world in the form of a glowing newborn child in China. Those powers, scientifically explainable yet divine in nature shook the world to its core, as more and more individuals around the globe were born blessed with the gift of quirk.

One and a half century of scientific pragmatism made most of humankind ignorant. They could not understand nor accept the true nature of those new super powers. But while the fools fought themselves in an endless struggle for power, one man understood.  

This man, was an old Japanese christian priest named Kodai Yubiwa., and it all started with a simple realization. All around the world, a significant amount of people were being born with meta abilities related to light. A connection between the first quirked child and those people were made once he saw something common with all of them. 

They all had golden eyes.

For a man of faith like him, this was a divine sign. He brought this observation to the Vatican and all agreed that it was indeed a blessing from God, who gave humans quirks so they can be bring true divine peace and order on earth. The message was given, and all Christians on earth praised and reached for the source of those quirks. 

They called, and the Greater Will answered.  

He reached for the Japanese priest in his dreams, appearing in his gigantic and majestic form. Both standing on an endless lake with gigantic golden trees surrounding both of them in the distance. Both gazing at each other under a beautiful clear night sky. 

The man petrified in awe before the being in front of him, he quickly bowed to it thinking he was in the presence of the christian holy father. He did not even realized that tens of hundreds other Christians : appearing behind him, looking at their surroundings, acknowledging the Greater Will and quickly following his example once they too came to the same conclusion.     

After a few minutes of silence, the Outer God's voice reverberated in their beings. The Greater Will presented himself as their God and creator. He looked into the history of their religion by looking through their knowledge and memories and simply warped the story into his own. He still kept certain part untouched or simply modified them slightly so it would not clash with its futur visions.    

Greater Will : From this day thy religion shalt beest named "The Golden Order" for 't is what I bringeth, and what shalt rein on this green earth !

Once done he told them of his visions for the futur of mankind. He told them that a new era is upon their kind, and that a new age was to be born. At last the ignorance of those who didn't believe will be purged ! At last humanity shall be relieved form the burden of ignorance ! 

Greater Will : The age of Gold shalt anon cometh !

He then warned his new followers that this new age shall come with the arrival of his Vessel on earth and told them to be ready for when the day will come. Right after he dismissed all of them from the dream except his original owner. Surprised by this action the priest asked him what he needed of him. The Greater will Answered by touching his forhead with a finger.

He was struck by a vision. He saw a Golden star falling down on earth, but rather than being destroyed in the atmosphere like any celestial body of this size should be, it slowed down before altering it's course and directing itself towards Japan, were a church of the Golden Order was resting  in the north of Hokkaidō. 

Once the star was near enough, he recognized the place as being his own church. He knew it was his because of the geographic position, as a few changes were obviously made to match the new state of their religion. 

Kodai Yubiwa : So it is the futur our lord is showing me.

The Elden Star continue it's decent before changing it's course for the last time. It was now aiming a large sized bassin in the end of the gardens, in front of it sat a beautiful young women with long Golden hair in two braids and a quite revealing black dress. The star ended it's course floating just above the center of the bassin. It hovered there a few seconds before diluting itself with the water under the widened eyes of the women.

Before a blinding white light took over his hole vision. (for those who reached the final boss, f**k this shit it hurt my eyes every f**k time !)   

Kodai Yubiwa awaken in his bed shortly after, covered in sweat and panting heavily. This women was his descendant, he knew it. How does he know ? He has no idea but there is no doubt about it.

Whatever, it doesn't change much anyway, because the message is clear. The lord gave him this vision for one simple reason. His church must be ready, His followers must be ready, his family and the world must be ready. 

His descendant will be ready for his arrival ! 


And this conclude the first chapter that pretty much serves as the introduction ! Do not hesitate to give me feedback and tips if you thing I need improvements, after all this IS my first story written.

 I bide you Farewell for know and have a great time following me in this adventure !


- All rights to the My Hero Academia universe as well as its characters belongs to                    Kōhei Horikoshi.

All rights to the Elden Ring universe as well as its characters belongs to From Software.

Thank you from this amazing author and developper/writter/designer and all voice acteurs teams for creating such incredible universes !

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