Dream of a Golden God

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It has been more than a decade now since the death of Mrs Shigaraki, since then the Father grew old and the children had reached adulthood and finished most of their studies under the Golden Order. Yet both younger Shigaraki were still affected by the loss, and this brought great concern to the Elden Priest who saw them drifting away from their role.

The younger of the two : Yoichi, had become more and more melancholic with each passing years and was slowly reaching depression despise the Order's greatest efforts. While this made Yoichi utterly apathetic, it was the complete opposite for his older brother Hisashi, who became even more prideful, focus and rage driven. However, while it was the desired effect for the older brother, his rage was directed towards the Order.   

Worried and full of doubt by such a development, the Elden Prophet had no other choice but to ask their god to directly intervene. So a week ago he excused himself from the rest of his family and got to his private quarters, where was a giant altar of the Outer god that he used to reach the embodiment of order. 

He dared not imagine what would fall upon him for doing so, if the wrath of his lord would be its answer for him shamelessly asking the Greater will such a favor. But he was desperate, and with the first line of his lineage being born 1 month ago he could not give the chosen ones as much of his time as he once did. 

But to his delightment, his lord had "foreseen this dire situation, reading 't in the stars" and had indeed planned to intervene directly. So, Once the night had come and the pale moonlight had replaced the glorious, golden rays of the sun. When the chosen family had been driven into slumber, the Greater Will reached out for them.

Unknown to all but Yubiwa, an Elden Star came down from the sky, slowly drifting towards the chosen ones. The sight was melancholic, as if the gods were morning with the Shigaraki, letting one of their celestial tear reach the family. Once it has arrived to the house they were inhabiting, the star separated into 3 fragments all going to fuse with their respective targets.

This was the first night after many where all three of them would finally experience a wonderful dream. This experience would be in appearance exactly the same for all three Shigaraki, to the point were an external watcher would have expected to see them reunited in this common experience to face it together.

Alas, for all sharing the same goal and purpose in the realm of dreams their fate were destined to be completely different.

This paragraphe will describe the aspect of their journey through this dream, using the words of the late Yoichi Shigaraki to transcribe his experience. The dream start with the feeling of water across their body, lying on the ground and halfway submerged like one would be if they were to lay down in a puddle. After slowly regaining consciousness and assessing their new situation, none of them would actually panic as they would feel strangely calm and at peace.

 After a few seconds to regain full control of their mind and body, they will slowly get up and let their gaze wounder around as they try to understand the meaning of their dream. By doing so, they would be rewarded by a breath taking view : an endless body of water reaching no higher than their ankle, reflecting a flawless night-sky decorated with millions of distant stars. 

This place was obviously infinite, and if their eyes were to look at the horizon they would be witness of a curious sight. Far away from their position, giant pillars of shinning gold were rising from the endless body of water. However, if you were to put more attention to those gigantic structure you would realise that they are actually giant trees.   

It would be after a few minutes of contemplating silence and awe that an event would finally give life to the completely still scenery. The three chosen individuals would witness in astonishment a Golden Star slowly falling from the sky before hovering still above the water a few dozens of meters away. Then the star would sunk down in the endless lake as if it was deep like an ocean. Doing so would generate ripples onto the surface, before slowly emerge the Greater Will in all his divine and ethereal glory. 

The being was gigantic, with a morphologie who seems to take after the first developed animals, born in the earth seas billions of years ago. The most striking feature of the beast, however, was bearing the appearance of great celestial constructs hold into a glass like body. The visible inside of this celestial body was near identical to the flawless night sky above, with the main difference being some sort of a constellation forming the neural structure and skeleton.

The other significant detail was the tail of the god, who seems to escape the "glass" structure who was containing the essence of the celestial being. The appearance of the tail was reminiscent of a trees roots. The head of the beast was ending a long boneless neck and hold a miniature sun. 

The Outer God of order will then look upon their mortal guest, and acknowledge their presence by uttering the following words, that will mark the start of a great conversation and explanations between mortal chosen beings and a celestial entity. In this dream, the fate of the world is about to be decided and the envisioned futur of the Greater Will be set into motion.

Elden Beast : Greetings mortal child, here and anon thee standeth before the god of order. Bask in mine own radiance and heed those words, for tonight I reacheth upon thee to answer thy prayethers, cleareth thy doubts, and presenteth thee thy purpose on this green earth. Here and anon, shareth mine own vision of a futur bath'd in rays of gold.

It was time for the god of the Golden Order to start influencing the events on earth more directly. The first step was to meet the Shigaraki and completely cement their believes and devotion to the Order and itself. Now it was only a matter of sending them straight to their destined duty and monitoring all the events coming forward. 

A father to preach faith and pressure governments to ask help in the Order for the futur war to come. An eldest son driven by rage and burning with the flame of ambition, to show the might of the Greater Will's gifts and bring nations to their knees. And finally the younger one, to incarnate the virtue and righteousness of the Order, creating a legacy that would guide the common folks to the god's light.

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