Leon Reeves

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I groaned as the irritating sound of my alarm woke me up. Slowly, I opened my eyes and was blinded by the bright sun light that seeped through the blinds. As I turned off my alarm and started to get out of bed, I was pulled back down by a strong arm. I looked at the man in my bed. The sunlight illuminated his dark skin, giving it a golden glow that looked almost angelic. A smile spread across my face as I admired him, his black locks fell in front of his eyes causing him to scrunch up his face and slowly wake up,

"Morning sleepyhead," I chuckled

"Mornin," he groaned. "What time is it?"


"Oh shit! Don't you have to be in today?" He asked, quickly waking up

"No, we got the day of because the last case was rough,"

"Oh, alright, I don't have to be in for another hour, so what do you want to do?" He had a smirk on his face witch I instantly understood. I pulled him down into a kiss, and he smiled against my lips as I ran my hands up his bare, muscular back. Things started to get heated, and I ended up straddling him whilst covering his neck in kisses and small love bites when suddenly my phone rang,

"Fuck.." I sighed as I picked it up and read the caller ID

"What's up hotch?" I rolled of Leon and sat on the edge of the bed.

"We have another case. How quickly can you be at the office?"

I felt Leons arms snake around my waist and his head rest on my shoulder,

"Ill be there in 20- MmpH!-" I quickly covered my mouth trying to muffle my moan as Leon sunk his teeth into my neck.

"Are you ok Reid?"

"Um yeah- just uh- stubbed my toe?"

"Mhm ok. Just be here soon."

"Yeah, ok." I sighed and hung up, turning to face my boyfriend who had an evil smirk on his face. "The hell, babe!?"

"Sorry~" he hummed before giving me a peck on the lips. "So you have a case?"

"Yeah," I huffed

"Well, go save the world! I'll be here when you're back. "

With one last kiss, i got up and dressed before running out the door. As i drove up to Quantico, all i could think of was Leon. We met years ago at one of the support groups i went to to get over my dilaudid addiction. . .he was a recovering alcoholic in the fugitive task force. He helped me get clean, and as we became closer friends, i started to develop a crush on him. Luckily, he felt the same, so after a few dates, we made it official two years ago. The only problem was that we both weren't out, and being gay in the FBI wasn't fun. It was heavily frowned upon, and neither of us was mentally ok to deal with that, but we were out to my mum! She was more than ok with it, but the same couldn't be said for Leons family, but they didn't matter because we had eachover and my mum loved Leon like he was her son.

He was everything to me, he loves me and i love him.

I eventually got to the office with a huge goofy smile on my face that wasn't going away. I got the round table, still struggling to wipe my smile away and failing miserably

"Woah, what's got you in such a good mood, pretty boy?" Morgan teased


"Dosnt look like nothing," he laughed, pointing to my neck, i reached up to feel what he was on about and winced as soon as i touched it. Fuck.

"You want a mirror?" JJ laughed, holding out a small circler mirror

I snatched it of her and low and behold there was a big red hicky on my neck, i quickly tried to hide it with my collar before enyone else can see but it was too late..

"What's going on?" Emily asked

"Spency has a hickey!" Morgan cheered mockingly

"WHAT!?" Emily and Penelope screeched "whos the lucky lady? Or man?" Garcia asked, i instantly froze when she said 'man'

"Man? Why would you think it's a man!?" I said, my voice getting higher with every word.

"I just didn't want to assume?" She said, raising an eyebrow

"Well, either way, i wouldn't tell youse who it is."

"Booooooo," they all laughed but went silent when hotch and Rossi walked in and started telling us about our case. It was something about a prison break, but I didn't hear much as I was zoning out until I heard something interesting

"The fugitive task force will help us on this case as they put away most of these prisoners," and with that, we loded ourselves onto the jet.

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