Workplace Secrets & Shenanigans

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We were flying to the prison when hotch called everyone to go over the case in more detail, Emily asked who was helping from the fugitive task force, and Hotch replied, "Tyler Adams and Leon Reeves" i instantly perked up at the mention of Leon, luckily no one noticed as Luke went on about how he worked with them. Coincidentally, that was when my phone went off with a message from leon:

My love <3

L- hey coworker :)

S- hey! We were just talking about you

L- good things i hope??

S- ofc!

L- such as?

S- oh just how funny and strong you are and how you snore in your sleep and how you scream like a 8yo girl ect

L- OI! I have a very manly scream.

S- but srsly why didn't you tell me we'd be working together???

L- literally just found out the now

S- well we're about to land so ill ttyl x

L- ttyl x

We landed in california, where we went to the closest police station to the prison, 6 inmates escaped all incredibly dangerous, so we had to work fast. As soon as we got their we were met with Adams and Leon, as soon as i saw him i felt like i was melting, a huge grin spread across my face and i could feel a faint blush on my cheeks. He was wearing a black compression shirt tucked into black fitted trousers and paired with the boots i bought him last week.

"Hello, im SSA Aron Hotchner." He started "this is SSA Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alvez, David Rossi, Emily prentice, Dr. Tara Lewis and Dr. Spencer Reid. And our technical analysis Penelope Garcia" The team went to shake hands, it was weird trying to act like i didn't know Leon. Once he got to me he just waved instead of trying to shake my hand - which I was greatfull for but it definetly made some of the team suspoisus. - Adams went to show us where they set up while Leon and Luke catched up a little, as they walked into the room Luke instantly asked,

"So do you and Reid know eachover?"

"Oh um-" He stammerd for a second "sort of. . .?"

"Sort of?" JJ hummed

"Uh- we go to the same coffee shop!" I blurted out quickly - it wasn't a lie I just left out the part where we go to the same place because we practically live together.

"Mhm right" luke humed, clearly supicious

"Sooo what do we know about the case?" Reid squeaked, desperate to change the subject

Adams explained what they knew so far which was just about the same as what we knew. The hole time i could feel Leon rubbing his leg against mine, we both gave eachover small glances and little smirks. Sure work wasnt the best place to flirt with someone but it was hard to resist. . .

The group disbanded as Hotch orderd everyone around. Me and leon where tasked with trying to figure out some form of geographical profile to see how far the immates could of gotten. Garcia was setting up in the same room as us and Morgan was with her.

"So leon" she smiled "you got a girlfreind?" You could see Morgan sigh in one of those 'oh garcia, there she goes again' kinda ways

"Sorry what?"

"Noticed you got a little something something right there" she jestured all around her neck. Fuck. I didnt think the marks where that noticable but clearely i was wrong.

"I- um yeah,"

"She a bitter huh?" Garcia smirked

"Woah! Calm down baby girl" Morgan  laughed "dont want to scare him of do you"

"Im just curious~"

Leon shot me a confused and very shaken look as i tired to hold in laughter.

At some point me and leon managed to sneak away where he promtly dragged me into a secluded hallway


"Hello to you to"

He sighed and dropped his head onto my shoulder

"Hi." He groaned. I rubbed his upper arm comfortingly

"Karmas a bitch y'know"

"What?" He looked up at me and i pointed to the large hickey he left on me "oh shit-"

"Had to deal with a hole plane ride of teasing because if you"

"Worth it though~" he snickerd before planting a kiss on my lips

"We cant do this at work" i pulled away with a sigh

"Boooooo" he laughed

- meanwhile -

Garcia, prentiss and morgan stood around the stations coffee machine.

"Boy wonder is definetly hideing something isnt he?" Morgan smirked

"Oh 100%" Emily laughed

"And its got something to do with that Reeves right?" Garcia added "you dont think their. . .Dateing?"


Oooo cliffhanger ~

Sorry ive been M.I.A for ages again but shit happens ig lol

Ik this chapter is bad but i had half of it written then fucked of and forgot what i was planning so yh :/

Also if u have ideas on what else i should write pls let me know!! Ive got alot of motivation to write but no know what to write about so pls feel free!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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