Family Revelations.

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Harry and Louis was the next to walk in with Sam and Kian. "Hey boys" I smiled as I ruffled Kian's brown hair. Sam and Kian went and played with some kids toys that are in here because we already had children. The nurse, Peyton brought some in to keep them quiet and out of my hair. "How you feeling?" Harry asked as he pecked my head while Louis was cooing and laughing and Matt's facial expressions, "I'm okay. Just miss my mum, you know. I just wish she was here" I shrugged before taking a sip of water, "I'm sure she'll be proud of you. This is your fifth baby" he laughed as he smiled brightly over at Louis. "I remember the day we brought Sam and Kian home. Louis was so scared to even hold one of them but it got easier and now look at him. He's dad of the year" he proudly stated about his soon to be husband, "I'm so happy that you're happy. After everything we went through, with school and everyone moving on to different things. I feel like the first year or two after telling me you was even more closed of than before" I smiled squeezing his hand, "and now. Ten years later you talk about Louis as if he's the only one you see, you walk down the street proudly holding his hand while each of you hold the boys hands or you walk side by side pushing the prams. You're so happy and I couldn't be more happy for you" I smiled at him as a tear rolled down my face.

Alex walked in slowly and with hesitation. "What's up Alex" I smiled as I began to burp Matt, "did I come at a bad time?" I questioned walking in further and shutting the door, "no, I'm done" I smiled at him while finishing burping Matt. Alex took Matt and sat on the chair next to the bed with him rocking him to sleep, "where's Holland and the kids?" I asked sitting up a little more straightly, "they're coming any minuet, Holland was parking the car. I couldn't wait to see you" he blushed causing me to smile, "I love you" I smiled at the two of them, "was that to me or him?" Alex laughed propping up one eye brow, "both" I returned before Holland, Ethan, Trevor and Louise walked in.

After Alex and Holland left we took a nap, I slept on the bed and Cameron fell asleep in what must have been the most uncomfortable position on the chair while the nurses took Matt for some check-ups. After a bit of food and cuddles with Cameron the nurse returned Matt telling me he's once again in perfect health, just in time for Elliot and Amy to walk in with beaming smiles. "Hey guys" I almost shouted causing Cameron to shush me as Matt is sleeping, after giving hugs to my two best-friends I pointed to him, "Matt's over there sleeping" they both walked over quietly careful not to wake him, "you called him Matt?" Amy replied, "yeah" I smiled, "Ell?" Amy smiled up at Elliot who was lovingly looking down at his new nephew, "Yeah babe?" he replied not tearing his gaze away from Matt, "do you want kids?" she laughed nervously, "yeah, obviously but not until you're ready" he laughed kissing her on the cheek, "I suppose we best get ready then" she replied with her face serious with a small hint of a smile, "what" Elliot gasped in disbelief looking from her eyes to her stomach and back up again, "wait. Amy are you pregnant?" I asked while standing from the bed for the first time today, still a little sore I wobbled over to them, "yeah" she smiled handing a scan to Elliot causing him to tear up, "Oh baby" he exclaimed hugging her tightly. "There's more" she smiled excitedly, "how can there be more?" Cameron asked finally coming over to us, causing Amy to give Elliot another scan photo. "Twins" Elliot whispered with a overjoyed smile.

Theo and Andrea were the last to come in, I'm a little bit glad, just because I'm really tired and I want to get as much sleep as I can while Matt's sleeping. New borns can be a nightmare if you don't get them into a proper routine almost instantly. "Hey sweetheart" Andrea greeted me with a hug followed by Theo. "Hey guys" I smiled, "Matt's sleeping" Cameron commented as he sat on the edge of the bed holding my hand and playing with my wedding ring. After a while of talking Theo started to look a little nervous, I have a small suspicion why but apparently no-one else does because Cameron asked "T, what's up? You look like you're going to throw up" he laughed, "Andrea" Theo smiled at his girlfriend holding her hand and standing her up slowly, "I've loved you since that first day at M.I.T. In Mr. Dorsey's class" he smiled as he slowly got down on his knee causing Andrea to start freaking out in a good way obviously. "You're my soul mate Andrea. I love you, will you please make me the happiest man on this earth and marry me?" he smiled as a tear rolled of her face when he opened the small black box where a silver beautiful ring sat, "Yes! Yes Theo. I will marry you" she started shouting but soon quieted down when she remembered Matt was still asleep. He jumped up and kissed her passionately once he placed the ring on her finger. "Wow it's all going down in this room today" Cameron laughed as he kissed my temple.

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