Ch. 26; Saviour.

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"Lou." Harry whispers, stroking gently across his face. "We have to go."

"Where?" Louis asks, jolting in his seat. He's been half asleep against Harry's chest for the best part of an hour.

"Gem texted. Her and mum want to meet you." Harry tells him. It's been a few days since Harry accidentally met his sister, and he's reunited with his mum as well. "Go to lunch soon. As soon as possible."

Louis nods, letting Harry manoeuvre him to stand up. He's tired, he fucking tired, Harry kept him up all night because apparently one fucking orgasm isn't enough. They only fell asleep at 6am, and of course Harry woke him up at nine for more sex and pancakes.

It's not that Louis' complaining, per se, but he's knackered. Exhausted but well fucked, but it still isn't enough for the insatiable beast that is Harry Edward Styles.

"Quickie before we go?" Harry asks, smirking mischievously.

"Harold, if we fuck any more my dick is actually going to fall off." Louis sighs. "And then I'll be rendered penis-less, and I'll have to go to the doctor on account of not having a cock, and I'll be asked what happened, and then I'll have to say I had too much sex with my curly haired wanker of a boyfriend."

Harry giggles, pulling Louis down for a kiss. "At blowie, at least." 

"Harry-" Louis warns.

"C'mon, Lou. Wanna make you feel good." Harry whispers seductively, blinking coquettishly. "Please daddy..."

Louis sighs in resignation. "You're such a fucking minx, you know that?"

"Your minx." Harry utters breathily, sliding into Louis' lap. 

"My minx indeed." Louis agrees, letting Harry kiss along his chest. Harry's wearing a dark purple jumper that he found balled up in the back of Louis' closet and nothing else (not even panties), Louis just in grey sweatpants.

Harry preens when Louis starts stroking his hair, manoeuvring himself so he can grind against Louis' cock as he does so, mouthing at Louis' jaw, nipping slightly.

"Hey, baby, no hickeys. Your family-" Louis begins, and Harry huffs before moving down Louis' chest.

"Won't see them here." He murmurs, determinedly sucking a large bruise just under Louis' 'it is what it is' tattoo. 

Louis lets Harry do as he pleases, just rubbing his thighs and occasionally slipping his hands under the jumper, rubbing his hips. 

"Was under the impression you were gonna give me a blowjob, princess." Louis comments after a while, biting back his smirk as Harry stands up (rolling his eyes as he does so), then gracefully sinking to his knees.

Harry mouths along his inner thigh, then over his clothed dick, hands braced on Louis' thighs. A pinch to his wrist jump starts him into action, Harry tugging his joggers down and taking him into his mouth, tongue moving around Louis' shaft sloppily.

"Fuck, H." Louis grunts, taking a fistful of Harry's curls and thrusting shallowly, Harry readily allowing himself to be used.

It doesn't take long for Louis to cum, not with Harry maintaining eye contact, eyes wide and innocent, slow blinking making his eyelashes flutter across his face. 

Fuck, he loves this man.


Finally, Harry drags him out the door. Harry's dressed 'normally', as one would call it, just a simple pink dress that reaches to just above his knees, kitten heels and a denim jacket with flowers embroidered on the sleeves. His hair is held back by a pink hairband.

"You look like a housewife." Louis mutters, fixing his jacket.

"Sexy, innit?" Harry grins, mocking Louis' accent.

"Somehow, yes." Louis tells him. 

Harry honks out a laugh, pushing him into the car.

The drive is short, and Louis' about to park when Gemma bursts out of the house, out of breath.

"Harry, we have no milk." She pants. Harry rolls his eyes, smoothing down his dress.

"I can go pick some up for ya?" Louis offers, rolling down the window. 

"Would you?" Gemma asks, sighing in relief as she embraces Harry.

"Sure, of course. Anything else you need?" Louis says, throwing Harry over his bag.

"I'll go with you?" Harry begins.

"No, H. You stay here with your family. I'll only be like twenty minutes anyway." Louis says. "Anything else, Gemma?"

"Not that I can think of..." Gemma says. "Harry'll text you if we think of anything."

Louis nods, motioning Harry over so they can kiss briefly. "Right, yeah."

"Drive safe, Lou." Harry says, waving him goodbye as he drives away from the house, to the shop a few streets over.

He hears it before he sees it, the commotion. Tires screeching, people screaming and yelling, horns blaring as if in competition to be the most obnoxiously obvious. He can't help but roll his eyes, scanning the road ahead to see what's going on.

Nothing, it seems. People are so dramatic, aren't they? Overreacting because some teenager is one above the speed limit and accidentally skidded a little because of their obvious not being used to driving a vehicle in busy streets.

He passes the intersection into the next street, realising a second too late that he really shouldn't of scoffed. The car is out of control, obviously a drunkard, barreling towards him at breakneck speed.

If Louis tries to get out of the way, it's gonna hit the car with several kids beside him, but if he moves he can save them.

It's a split second decision, him manoeuvring the car to block the other from hitting the family, putting himself right in the line of impact. The driver hasn't even seen him, just racing forward without a care in the world, completely ignorant of the people swerving away from him.

His window is still open, and he hears a shout. "Get out of the way, man!" It's the driver from the family car.

"I'm saving you life, mate!" Louis hollers back. "Just step on it and get out of the way."

"I can't let you-" the man begins.

"Fuckin' step on it before my being here is completely pointless!" Louis demands. "Save your family, for fucks sake."

The man nods unsurely, pressing on the pedal just in the nick of time, getting the family out of the way. He looks a strange mixture of distraught and grateful.

Louis' last thought before impact is that he's glad that Harry ended up staying at the house with Gemma like he asked.

Blood Red Lipstick [L.S.] ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora