getting to know roxy

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You finally get their you see roxy already their with a smug grin on her face ha beat you roxy says almost mocking you yeah cose 1 your a robot who never get tired 2 you got a head start so of course you won excuses excuses roxys says while shacking her had in a sarcastic way whatever can we get some pizza now you ask yeah of course you both sit down at a table you look around and see everyone was staring at you two in a weird way you decide to ignore it and order some pizza I've had fun today roxy says to you yeah me to to be honest I thought today was gonna be boring but since I've met you I've really enjoyed my time she starts blushing again you both enjoy pizza your kinda weirded out that she can eat pizza but decided to not ask her about it than you feel someone tapping you on the shoulder you than turn around to see Alex staring at you with freddy right behind you hello superstar I'm freddy you are y/n nice to meet you freddy you both shake hands you can see roxys getting a bit jealous about it but manages to keep it in before anyone else couid see Alex has been telling me about you really hope it's all positive stuff you say than laughing a bit yeah hey are you looking for a job freddy asks you yeah sure why you ask very curious of what he was gonna say he than pulls out a peace of paper saying night guards for hire maybe you couid sign up for a night guard position freddy asks you sure why not as long as I get more time with roxanne I'm down you turn around and see roxys blushing and her tail is wagging back and forth again freddy sees and has a suprised look on his face ok y/n I'm looking forward to be seeing you tomorrow night you both than high five eatchother before freddy walks away you check the time and see its getting quite late we best get going alex you say to Alex you see roxys sad about you having to go you than hold her hands and say don't worry I'll be back promise you say to her she cheers up and says ok y/n promise I promise you say you and alex start walking to the exit before you you get caught in a hug by roxanne you both were hugging eachother for 10 seconds untill you realised everyone was staring at you two even alex roxy notices and breaks the hug before saying bye bye roxy you and alex get to his car alex looks at you with a smug grin on his face so y/n you care to explain what's going on between you and roxanne nothing were just friends you say alex wasn't buying it yeah sure friends you look at him with an annoyed look on your face and finally after what felt like an eternity alex finally starts driving

 roxanne wolf x male reader Weird Love Where stories live. Discover now