montys jealousy

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OI YOU you turn around to see monty marching towards you three with a pissed look on him and his hands tightened into fists he than stops half way and was staring at you to see if you were scared or not once he saw that you looked like you were gonna piss yourself he than spoke up WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL MY GIRL FROM ME you than remember that you saw eyes looking inside roxys room when you two were kissing and remembered when roxy told you he was still mad at the breakup freddy and chica get infront of you monty Carm down your not yourself right now freddy says to monty trying to carm him down but it was hopless monty looked like he was about to charge at you freddy and chica were ready for a fight when all of a sudden monty starts charging at you with full rage on his face chica and freddy try to hold him back but it was helpless monty threw chica across the room like she was nothing but a feather and than goes in to punch freddy but freddy barely blocks it and pins him down monty your not you right now try to carm down monty punches freddy in the nose and than kicks him off of him he got up and started charging at you you barely manage to dodge monty runs straight through the wall leaving a massive hole in it you couid see that he didn't have a single scratch on him so you froze in fear who is this guy the terminator as you stood their you heard freddy shout watch out before you know it monty was charging at you you were to slow this time and monty tackled you to the floor and punched you in the face blood was all over your face you felt your life flash before you monty was raising his fist to finish you but all of a sudden you heard a female voice shout get off of him monty was distracted so you took the chance to pick up a near by fire extinguisher and attempt to hit him with it he barely flinched actually all it did was make him more pissed all of a sudden monty goes flying a bit off of you and you saw that roxy punched him off of you she than saw you and had shock in her face she than held you in her arms and tryd to comfort you are you alr little rockstar before you couid respond you were flown away as you saw that monty had roxy in a choke hold you tryd to get up to help but you were to weak all you couid do is look In horror when all of a sudden you saw freddy push monty away before monty couid get up roxy got on top of him and started rapidly punching him freddy and chica dragged roxy of of monty but after monty was knocked out roxy got up and spat at montys unconcious body but than remembered you she ran up to you holding you in her arms your vision was blurry but you couid see her crying freddy scanned you and screamed we need to take him to your room now before you blacked out you heard a voice say are we having fun yet  than it all went black

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