Here we are

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So it's... Been a while. A couple of months- and things have played out very differently than what I had expected.

Henry hasn't spoken to me. We kind of broke off. Of course- that just makes sense- you can't stay around the father of the daughter you killed while drunk on her birthday. Why, thats just awkward! But his absence has made my world lose its colour and joy, much like Evan's loss was the loss of my world's hopeful spark.

Or at least his absence was saddening to me. Because now? I want to kill him, too.

A new Freddy's. You have got to be shitting me. A new restaurant- without me in the picture. Its absurd- you can't have Freddy's without me! It was my idea!

Henry can fuck off, anyway. If stealing my dream to try and rebuild his broken one is what he wants then fine- he can do that. Meanwhile I need to bring my son back. I made a promise, and I'm going to keep it.
...But how? Its one thing to make a promise like that, and another to do it. Bring him back? He's dead- defying all logic and laws of nature is easier said than done, you know. Was I going to just... Find a way to resurrect him? Well- of course! Only the best for my boy! I have to- I simply must! If I don't, I'm not a good enough father. He's dead because I wasn't present enough. He's dead because I wasn't there to watch Michael. He's dead because I let him play around those wretched, awful, disgusting men. No- they weren't children, they were MEN. I let my sons play with dangerous older teenagers and look where that's gotten me. Its my fault- I need to fix this.

My petty hatred for Henry and my drive to find a way to save my son seemed to combine into a weird motivation cocktail one day. One thought led to another, and led to me starting up my car, and led to me driving to the location, and led to me... Working there.

Yes. I got a job at this rinkydink restaurant that Henry stole from me. Why? Well...

You can't figure out how life works with just your sons corpse. You need a bit more than that. You need test subjects! If souls exist, then I need concrete evidence and a way of proving it. Then, I can figure out the rest from there.

Also- what better place to start a slaughter than a building dedicated to ripping off MY creativity? I want this shithole closed down ASAP. It was time I took matters into my own hands...

But oh, again, easier said than done.

I had waited a lot longer than I anticipated before striking. I wanted to see how the place did- to see what the layout was like, how Henry had sculptured what was meant to be our future into a future made for just one man. Even when fuelled by rage and resentment I couldn't lie- my admiration for him and his work lingered ever still. I couldn't tell if I wanted to rid myself of it, or cherish every last bit of it while it still remained.

As a dayshift worker, I had the freedom to explore the establishment without fear of looking insane, and to my surprise, I stumbled upon the place where they kept the jackpot I'd been looking for. Everything from the old diner that hadn't been reused for the new location was here. Everything... Including myself.

Spring Bonnie was back in business, baby.

FNAF CONSEQUENCES - Fallen From GraceWhere stories live. Discover now