4.Friendship Pt.2

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*Michael had went and put the movie in every step there was a crinkle though over all of the talking, chip bags and laughs it was drowned out Micheal relieved,He came back over and sat down in his middle spot on the couch*

D:"You're so quiet today bro!,Come on lighten up-"*Michael suddenly rested his head on Dante's shoulder Dante immediately hushed blushing deeply,Nathan and Rusty laughing and teasing,*S-Shut up guys he might fall asleep and I will kick yer asses if ya wake him.

N:S-Sorry we won't..,But seriously bro just ask him out already gosh*He chuckled*

R:Yeah,We all know even Michael likes you back...,And we support you bros,You know already I have two moms so it's nothing new too me.

D:...I know I just gotta think of the right time,...I do want too be with him though...I know you guys have had partners and I think this is normal but..I feel so happy and safe just..existing with him makes my day so much better,I care for all of you dumbasses of course but,This is a different feeling I can tell...*Suddenly it went shorta quiet,As there was a small hissing noise for a good few seconds*What the ball was that?

R:I don't know but why does it smell like piss now?..

N:*He looked around before seeing a small wet spot by mikes leg he gasped*Michael!Peed himself look!*He points at it and I shift from the loud noise waking softly yawning*..

M:...No..hm?...*I sat up slightly confused I then gently looked at everyone confused why they were all  staring at me?...*Dante what's wrong-*I suddenly looked down too see the spot I knew I was wet but I figured it wasn't known I suddenly stood tearing up*I-I guys I swear..Nooo!!!*I ran off sobbing as I ran into this closet locking it and whimpering in the corner crying and crying...*

Ma:*She came in confused*Is everything okay boys?...,Where's Michael!?...,*They all looked at her feeling bad Dante the worst he also felt confused very lost and kinda sick thinking you'd hate him now..*

R:We were sitting and talking then..Michael kinda..I think he might have had an accident while napping ma'am we're sorry if we upset him we didn't know what too say..

N:Yeah we're so so sorry ma'am we can go...

D:Y-Yeah...We're deeply sorry...

Ma:*She smiles before sighing*No no,It wasn't you boys actually..,I'll go help Michael and then I'll have him come and explain please don't apologize,And no no you all are staying boys*She warmly smiles and then walks off,After about twenty minutes I came back out in just my sweater and a clean diaper bright red but calm now,Dante and everyone was stunned not disgusted or anything just stunned...,Dante was blushing a bit now just seeing your body and how cute you looked he wanted too hug you and cuddle you immediately*

M:...Um so,...I have started needing to wear d-diapers because..I got introuble..P-Please don't leave me guys*He sniffles ms.afton already walked off Michael wanted too talk by himself,He started crying softly Dante immediately got up hugging him he was bright red and gulping before saying*

D:Y-You're so cute!!....I-I could never hate...You're my favorite person...

N:I-I do have too admit you are adorable and plus,Remember I have an older brother who's disabled?He needs diapers remember?

R:And my grandparents both need them,It happens too people sometimes,Plus...you are pretty adorable...dummy.

M:*He was now shocked and bright red*I-I am not cute!!,But..Thank you guys...,Let's watch the movie now then!!I bet y'all will freak out*Dante had already sat down so I went over and plopped gently on his lap,Dante loved it so much and couldn't help but cuddle me he loved the softbess of my diaper on his lap my cuteness was now even more than before..*

D:So just stealing my lap from me huh?*He chuckled*Mm...Stay though..*He smiled as he watched she movie Michael had a fuzzy warn happy feeling from this now soon enough though he was shaking slightly and looking away nuzzled into Dante's shoulder dante gently patting his head*..Too scary bro?*He chuckled*It's okay...We won't make fun of ya.

M:S-Scary...*He nuzzled more and soon enough they changed the movie to something less scary,A true crime documentary Michael calmed and watched it,After about an hour of the three hour documentary,And many chips Michael shifted softly*mm....P-Pooping...*He sits up softly grunting Dante immediately noticed and couldn't help but blush his eyes widening,He didn't expect Michael too be doing this especially on his lap he let Michael do his thing,He kept pushing his eyes shut a little as he slowly pushed out the huge log his diaper sagging slowly more and more as it soon enough stopped soon enough he sat down it mushing on Dante's lap as Michael sighs happily rubbing it around adjusting a bunch before finally stopping, Dante gently gulped before pausing it the other two knew what had happened by the smell but no one wanted me top feel bad*

M:..Hey show!...Bro-*He looks at them all*...Mm....I-I might've went pooty maybe...But-*He blushes more whimpering*

               (To be continued)

Sorry this is my shortest part!,But I hope everyone enjoys anyways!,I do still take requests feel free too comment your requests!:D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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