The Courtroom

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It was a cold, snowy night in Albuquerque, New Mexico. You had been waiting in this courtroom for what felt like hours. After all, it had started at 5:00 pm and was currently 8:00.

The judge bangs the gavel...

"In the case of y/n y/ln, I hereby find the defendant..."

...not guilty." 

You breathe a sigh of relief, trying not to jump with joy, and turn to Saul

"Thank you so much, Mr. Goodman, how can I repay you?"

"Well y/n, I might have some ideas..", He says as he winks at you

Four hours later...

You lay awake in bed, trying to understand what happened in the court...

"Why can't I stop thinking about him, that moment just keeps replaying in my mind..."

You switch on your bedside lamp, and pick up a card that reads "Better Call Saul! (505) 503-4455".

Fimbling with the card you flip it over to see a written message, "Hey y/n, call me at my personal number, (505) xxx-xxxx.

You think to yourself, "Well, it's worth a shot..."



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