The Call

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Your heart beats as fast as a rabbit as you grab your phone and key in the digits he gave you...You're even more anxious as the phone rings...

                                                                                     Saul POV:

I wake up at 3:00 after my phone rings

I think, "Who on Earth is calling me right now?"

I pick up the phone. "hello?"

"Hi, Saul." I hear a familiar voice say

"y/n, is that you?"

"yes", you say, not knowing what to say next

"Why are you calling me right now, it's 3 am...?"

"I just can't stop thinking about you..."

I blush as y/n confesses their love for me

"I want you too y/n...ever since I laid eyes on you it was love at first sight, in your gorgeous red dress. Would you like to go out, 3:00 tomorrow at  Los Pollos Hermanos?"

"Yes," Y/n says gleefully as she thinks about him

"Alright bye y/n, I'll see you then."

"Bye Saul"

                                                            Y/N POV:

"Oh, my God. I knew it. I was right."

You clutch your phone, processing what just happened. You can't wait for the date and fall asleep, smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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