Chapter Two

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'Are you serious?'

            Kate stared at me incredulously, having listened intently as I told her about last night. Her eyes had widened to the size of saucers, completely taken by surprise and I didn't blame her. When she had asked me how I was, I highly doubted she had expected me to tell her I had been attacked. It wasn't exactly in line with the run of the mill daily conversations before school started; though it most definitely spiced things up!

            Sarah, our other best friend, gripped my hand. 'Are you okay?' Her brown eyes were earnest, worry etched into her face, and I nodded, despite the fear lingering inside me.

            'I'm alive,' I joshed flippantly. 'That's good enough for me.'

            'And at least they didn't steal your laptop,' added Kate, toying with her long brown hair. 'Can you imagine what would have happened if they'd taken your laptop a week before all of our papers are due in?'

            'Yes, because that's exactly what I was worried about at the time... papers,' I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. 'I was a little more concerned about getting away in one piece. Seriously, these guys were mental. I'm pretty sure they were going to kill me.'

            'It's a good thing your stalker turned up when he did,' Sarah said quietly. 'Did he tell you his name?'


            'Did you ask?' she pressed, curiosity brimming in her brown eyes.

            'No,' I muttered. 'He was annoying.' And that was putting it lightly. Even now, agitation coursed through me just thinking about his smug smirk, and his damn whistling. He hadn't even had the manners to help me into my house, or even to wait until I'd entered. He was just plain rude.

            Sarah grinned. 'You liked him.'

            'Of course not,' I said, denying it a little too quickly. On cue, my cheeks blossomed, and I glared at the pair of them. 'Fine, he was attractive, but that's it. He threw me over his shoulder!'

            'Oh, the horror,' Kate teased. 'So, go on, what did he look like? He must have been muscular if he could carry you.'

            'Because we all know that's a mean feat,' added Sarah with a wink.

            I scowled. 'I'm smaller than both of you!'

            'Take a joke,' Michael said, coming up behind Sarah. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a kiss on her cheek. 'I'll see you in class,' he murmured, and left as quickly as he had arrived.

            With a sigh, Sarah turned back to me. 'So, was he attractive or not?'

            'It doesn't matter,' I sighed, looking down at my fingers. 'Can you guys just promise me that you won't walk around by yourself late at night?'

            They both nodded, all humour disappearing from their eyes, and I breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a hard lesson to learn, but I definitely wouldn't walk home in the dark alone again. Or you know, not if I could help it.

            'Well, at least you're okay,' said Kate, shifting her schoolbag on her shoulder. She stifled a yawn and glared at me, before pointedly looking at her watch. 'I can't believe you had us come into school early just for that.'

            'Just for that?' I asked. 'I was nearly killed!'

            'I hope you're not developing a habit of lying, Ginny,' she said, pursing her lips. 'I'm still not convinced you didn't leave that number two in the toilet.'

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