Chapter Three

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         Needless to say, gym hadn't exactly been the best start to the day. Dodge ball isn't exactly my sport, either – it's more for the co-ordinated type. Well, that, and Sarah and Kate found nothing more amusing than watching me get gang-hit by our entirely class and let me tell you, no matter how soft those balls may be, being hit by fifteen of them was no laughing matter. Swear down, I'll have bruises tomorrow.

            'What are you fussing over now?' Kate exasperated, pursing her lips as I continuously clicked my pen against the table. 'You're supposed to be reading,' she hissed.

            Always the nerd.

            Glancing up at Mrs. Walsh, I breathed a sigh and flicked to the correct page in the history textbook. I'd been so busy worrying about this detention I hadn't even realised we were supposed to be reading... You'd think the teacher would have pulled me up on it already, but studying her studiously, I realised she was busy typing on her phone.

            'How much trouble would I get into if I didn't go to this detention, do you think?' I whispered, gnawing away at my bottom lip. 'After last night, I really don't want to be alone with him.'

            'Because he's so attractive?'

            I nodded instinctively and then glared at her. 'No, that's not it. Didn't you listen, he's dangerous!'

            'Dangerously hot,' she smirked.

            Glowering at her, I kicked her under the table. 'Will you please take this seriously? The school have hired someone lethal, and I have detention with him.'

            Kate sobered. 'Ginny, I'm teasing. I don't actually expect you to go; the man stalked you and beat up guys, you'd be insane to go.'

            'But you'll get in even more trouble if you don't,' added Sarah, turning around in her seat to face us. 'I say you go, show him who's boss, and then get the hell out of there.'

            Kate laughed. 'How would Ginny show him she's boss?'

            'You're right,' Sarah whispered, her eyebrows furrowing. 'Well, it's not hygienic, but you could always squat down and leave another one of those monster craps outside his –'

            I shot forward and punched her in the arm. 'That's not funny!'

            Amusement danced in Sarah's eyes and she turned to Kate. 'Apparently that's a no, besides, this is Ginny, she'd probably fall over trying to run out.'

            'Probably,' Kate sniggered. 'I've got one; you should go in there, hitch your skirt up, pull down your top slightly, and then tease him with your womanly looks,' Kate said, struggling to keep from laughing.

            Folding my arms across my chest, I glared at the pair of them. 'Some actual advice would be appreciated, guys.'

            Sarah grimaced. 'If you don't go you'll get a headmasters detention, or worse.'

            'But if you go, you don't know what will happen,' Kate murmured, and then rolled her eyes as she looked down at my textbook. 'You're not even on the right page, Ginny.' She quickly flicked through a hundred pages and then sat back in her seat, muttering something inaudible under her breath.

            'I knew that,' I grumbled, my eyes quickly glazing over the page. 'And just F.Y.I. neither of you have helped with my dilemma.'

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