•|Going to london! |•

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Alright. Today. My girl, Hannah is going to London. Haz got it cover there by the airport. She's gonna be fine there. Only 6 days. Only 6

We got a slight change of plans. Haz came over the night of Sept 9th and stayed over night then gonna drop me off in set then to the airport with Han

"She ready? " Haz asked

"Yups. In the back seat, all occupied with her coloring books and snacks"

Hannah fussed over Harry the whole night and slept in the middle of us in my king size bed

I grabbed my phone and turned the recording on
I zoomed in the review mirror to see my daughter looking at Harry

"She cannot get over you" I laugh as my daughter stared at Harry with those pure bliss in her eyes

"Hi there Han Han " Harry wave and smile I wined the camera to him and smile. The kid at the back giggles and try to get to him

"Later, bunny. Later"

"Haz. In comes paps" I said then zoom at the pap hiding on the bush

"It's okay. Just drive. Ignore it"

I drove to the set and kissed Haz and Hannah goodbye

"Mamaaaaaaa car seat in fronttttt" She plea

"Can't, hunny buns. Kinda dangerous"

I then close her door and watch then drove off


I keep trying to keep her awake so that she can sleep in the plane and it worked. We sang, play games, laugh, giggle, tell stories and more

"Want more candy, harryyyyy " I look at the clock. 9:02am still early. Our flight is at 10;30 and we're like.. 7 miles near the airport

I turn on my cam and recorded this moment

"More can'iesssssssss"
The kid at that back said once more

"Say it kindly then let's get you some"

"Pleaseeee Jojo wan's more food and candy and apple juice. Please papaaaaaaaaaaa"

My eyes widen as she calls me "papa"

I whispered to the cam
"She called me papa!!! "

"Of course we can get more apple juice and McDonald's but no more candies. Is that fine? "

"Yes yes yes! Happy meal! " She almost jumps off her seat with excitement


We stop at a 7/11 only 2 miles away from the airport

"Apple juice? " She said as she look at me with those cute blue eyes which I just realized have a ring of brown and green around the main circle of blue and the left on have a pure green but the middle is purple
Such unique combination of eye color

"Papaaaa" I said as she hold my hand then pull me in the store. She run towards an aisle and then boom. I lost her

"Jo? Hannah? Where are you hunny? Don't get out of my sight please" I said calmly. At least trying. I'm kinda panicked she got out of my sight

"Papa!!! Ice cream" I heard her voice and immediately ran

"Later. When the plane lands. Just get apple juice and apple sauce how about that? "

She smile and nod eagerly

We check out the snacks and pick her up. I feel like her father with her in my arms like this. She kiss my cheeks and chuckle as I smile. I put the snacks by the back seat next to where she's seating

I put her down for a second as it's safe since were parking in the parking lot then try to pick her back up but she ran! She wants me to chase her so I did

Giggles erupted from the 6 year old

"I'm gonna get ya'! "  She laughs as I run to her

I catch her and throw her up the air the catch her

I kiss her forehead and hug her close. She seemed more calm no and ready to be in her back seat. 10:04

Bout to me to go to the airport

We drove out of the parking lot, then come paparazzi

Im speechless... Have they been taking pics and video taping that back there? My goodness this is too early for everyone to know

I sped up and got greeted by my security team

I open her car door and saw a asleep Hannah.  Maybe I didn't notice cause I'm busy being furious about the paps
I didn't even notice the silence whom swallowed the car

I picked her up and instructed my security to get her car seat and the luggages as I also carry my backpack and her small light blue backpack on my other arms. I am well aware of some paps around us but I couldn't careless. This child is safe on my arms so leave them be. That's the emportant thing as of now

We went straight to our plane. I waited till her car seat is safety buckled in her airplane seat. In the process of buckling her in her car seat I saw phone cameras pointing at my direction. Her car seat is right on the window just to make sure no one is gonna wake her up as she slept

"Good morning, this is your captain speaking, our flight is taking off from North america, new York at 10:30 am ust and going to london, England at the not so precise time of 4:30 pm London time. Our flight will take about 6-7 hours and till then, see you all in England"

I saw Hannah shift in her seat and hold onto her bunny

"Dada" She said, still asleep

She open her eyes but I immediately tried to bring her back to sleep which she accepts immediately

I turn to my phone and texted her mother

'On the plane'
'Text you when we land. 7 hours'

She's has not seen it yet but she will soon .  Maybe still shooting a scene

I also doze off

7 hours later

As I woke up. I just realized something. We forgot her stroller. Oh my goodness. This kid slept to the whole flight and woke up only for snacks and pee. That's all

I have no choice but to carry her as I carry her in the airplane. Our plane landed, security informed and boom. We're out. I kissed her forehead and picked her up. I already got our backpacks on my back and we got out

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