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note: all ya got to do is comment for more chaps <33

as they prepare the dress for the wedding, a little something happend to Charlotte's dress

"it doesn't fit her at all, its too big and i do not like the flowers on her head" Kate said as nice as she can but there's irritation in her voice

"i told you over text that they tailor is here this morning, Catherine you didn't come to alter you child's dress. i cannot do anything about that anymore" Meghan said with a tired voice. Hannah is sick and has kept her and harry all night

"i do not like the design at all" Catherine said with an attitude now

"i- i designed those" Hannah said with tears in her eyes, Catherine regretted her words immediately

"sky, who told you to get up" Meghan said with worry

"I want to play with Charlotte... " Hannah said as she held her tears back

"i- i wike the dwess" Charlotte said trying to ease Hannah

Hannah ran to her room and cry

"you just made my daughter cry" Meghan said standing up to follow her daughter

"mama I'm sorry if the dress isn't that good" Hannah's voice broke Meghan's heart

"Darling, darling angel, the dress is beautiful" Hannah cried her little eyes out


"i heard Hannah cried because of Catherine" William said. his eyes are saying sorry

"mhm. Hannah's emotional because she's sick" Meghan said as she continues to clean their apartments

"im sorry about that, Meghan... um.. i have something for you and Hannah"  William said as he left the flowers on thier coffee table, he got the hint that meghan don't want to talk to him

"mama" Hannah cries. Meghan sighed as she drop the duster and go to her daughter's aid. William saw that and took it as a cue to leave


"how's Hannah?" Harry ask as he wrapped his arms around Meghan

"she's okay now. fever is out but she's still salty about what Catherine did" Meghan sighed

"what did she do?" Harry asked as his blood is slowly beginning to boil

"she said she didn't like the dress Han had designed and she heard it. sick hannah is very emotional. she cried"

Harry let go of Meghan then leave thier apartment

"Harry!" Meghan yelled


"Catherine!" Harry's voice echoed

"Harry, the kids are asleep" William said as his body tried to stop Harry

"your wife made my daughter cry" Harry said with anger in his Voice

"I know she did, we fought about it already. please leave it now" William begged as he acknowledged Catherine's wrong

"tell her if she makes my daughter cey one more time, I'll be the one to talk to her and i think it'll cause us problems. you hear me?"

William only nodded

harry threatened the Duchess Kate

news from inside the palace said that last night, the prince threatened the duchess because of one thing unknown saying
"if she does that again, i will make her cry"

"what the heck are they talking about" Hannah said as she read the morning paper

"do not worry about those,love. It's alright" meghan said as she fixed Hannah's hair. harry opened the door and saw Hannah in her bridesmaid dress

"i have a gift for my princess" Harry said. Hannah rushed to him then grab the gift harry is holding out

she opened it and its a camera with film inside

"camera!!" Hannah claimed as she squealed

"thank you thank you thank you!"

"your daughter get everything she wants yet still acts so grateful for everything she received" Doria whispered to Meghan

"mhm, she acts like shes someone just normal. not one of the richest kids of the world, not one of the heirs of the great throne, not one of the most important kid of our country" Meghan smiled

"She's just Hannah, just Sky sky. just someone who is normal"

"hopefully the family won't ruin that" Doria said as she kissed her daughter


"Here comes Hannah standing by the chapel doors waiting for her mama to get here " The tv reporter said

"look at that pretty face, it is said her dress is designed by her too" the other reporter said

"no wonder why its beautiful" One praised

"here comes the bride"

The brightest smile plastered On Sky's face as her mother got out, Sky was instructed to just have a look and immediately run back inside to wait by middle of the altar because half of the way, the Prince of Wales is gonna walk Meghan down then the other half is Sky's turn


All in all, the day turned out good, everyone had fun and it was a good time. no grudges, no hate, no fear. just pure Joy

Meghan Markle's Daughter|•Ciel Johanna Markle Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin