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In the heaven realm


Shi Qingxuan walked around the heaven realm, looking for his brothers palace. He decided to go in Ling Wen's palace, since Xie Lian would most likely be there; He saw Hua Cheng with Xie Lian and Ling Wen as Hua Cheng saw Qingxuan.

"Ah, Lord Wind Master. My brother was looking for you"

Shi Qingxuan ignored him until he heard that He Xuan had been looking for him. He nodded in responce and grabbed Xie Lian's hand, pulling him to a place where no one could hear them.

"What is Crimson Rain Sought Flower doing here ge!?"

"He's here because he couldn't leave me alone, he would whine if I dont bring him!"

"Shi Wudu!!"

Shi Qingxuan would whine softly, making sure no one heard him whine.

"Whaaattt? Is it wrong to do such a thing?"

"Today isnt Valentines Day!!"

"Whats that didi?"

"A day for lovers! Ughh, you know I need to talk to you in these type of dayss"

He groaned and pouted as Ming Yi { also known as He Xuan } arrived.

"Ming Yi-"

"Lord Wind Master. I was looking for you everywhere, where have you been?"

Ming Yi said as 'she' bowed to show respect.

"No need to be so formal, He Xuan."

Ming Yi swallowed 'her' saliva as 'she' converted to his original form.

"My apologies, love."

Qingxuan blushed by the nickname.

"D-dont call me that-!?"

He freaked out.

"I'll leave you two be."

He bowed to the two males infront of him as he returned to Ling Wen's palace.

"Now, where have you been."

"Finding my brother, didnt I already say?"

"I'm afraid I dont remember such a sentence coming from you."

"Ah, I see. Alright then, how about we go to my palace and have some tea?"

"Of course, that would be good."


To be continued.

-˚⊹🍰ᶻz ଓ 𝗔𝗸𝗸𝗼‧₊˚⤾

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