Chapter 1

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As the sun began to peek over the horizon, Abigail stirred in her bed. Slowly, she opened her eyes and blinked a few times as she adjusted to the soft light streaming through her window. Abigail is a warm and gentle soul, with an infectious smile and a kind word for everyone she meets. Her blonde hair cascades in soft waves around her face, framing her delicate features and highlighting the sparkle in her blue eyes. 

Though she is undeniably beautiful, it is her inner beauty that truly sets her apart. She radiates kindness and compassion, always quick to lend a listening ear or a helping hand to those in need. Her gentle nature belies a quiet strength and resilience, forged through a lifetime of challenges and triumphs. Her kindness is not limited to humans alone; she has a soft spot for animals, and can often be found volunteering at the local animal shelter or caring for her own beloved pets. In all aspects of her life, she embodies the best of what it means to be a caring and compassionate human being. Abigail stretched her arms above her head, feeling the warmth of the blankets still wrapped around her body. 

She took a deep breath, savoring the quiet stillness of the morning. She listened to the birds chirping outside, and the distant hum of traffic in the streets. It was a peaceful moment, one that she cherished before the start of another busy day. She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, her feet landing on the soft carpet. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and reached for her phone on the nightstand. With a quick glance, she checked the time and saw that it was still early. She smiled, feeling grateful for a few extra moments of rest.

She stood up and made her way to the bathroom, feeling the cool tiles beneath her feet. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was tousled from sleep, but she didn't mind. She was comfortable in her own skin, and didn't need to impress anyone with her appearance. She changed into her school uniform, feeling ready for whatever the day might bring. Abigail walked over to the stove and turned on the burner. She grabbed a frying pan and added a little bit of oil. While the pan heated up, she cracked two eggs into a bowl and whisked them together. She added a pinch of salt and pepper and poured the mixture into the pan. 

As the eggs cooked, Abigail made herself a cup of coffee. She added a little bit of cream and sugar and stirred it until it was just right. She took a sip and felt the warm liquid start to wake her up.

By now, the eggs were starting to set. Emily used a spatula to flip them over and let them cook for a few more minutes. She grabbed a plate and placed the eggs on it. She added a slice of toast and some sliced avocado on the side. Abigail sat down at the kitchen table and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and savored the aroma of the eggs and the coffee. She took a bite of the eggs and felt the warm and satisfying flavors fill her mouth. 

The creamy texture of the avocado added a nice contrast to the fluffy eggs. She continued to eat her breakfast, feeling more awake and energized with each bite. As she finished her meal, she felt grateful for the simple pleasures of a warm and satisfying breakfast. She knew that this was the perfect way to start her day.

Abigail and her best friend Susan set out on their daily journey to school. Susan has long, curly, golden-brown hair that falls in loose ringlets around her shoulders. Her wide, innocent eyes are a bright shade of blue, and her delicate features are often lit up with a playful smile. The two of them walk side by side, chatting and laughing as they make their way through the sleepy neighborhood. The girl's long brown hair bounces behind her in a ponytail, while Abigail's blonde locks shimmer in the sunlight. 

As they walk, they point out interesting sights along the way: a new flower blooming in someone's front yard, a friendly dog wagging its tail from behind a fence, a group of kids playing catch in a nearby park. They share stories from their weekends, discussing movies they saw or games they played, and making plans for upcoming events. Their conversation is lively and animated, punctuated by bursts of laughter and silly inside jokes. Despite the early hour, Abigail and Susan are full of energy and excitement for the day ahead. They know that whatever challenges or adventures await them at school, they will face them together, as they always have. And as they approach the school gates, they exchange a knowing smile, ready to tackle whatever the day has in store.

"Ahh! There's peter and the others" Susan shouts while waving at her siblings as she runs to hug her youngest sister Lucy. She has long, curly, golden-brown hair that falls in loose ringlets around her shoulders. Her wide, innocent eyes are a bright shade of blue, and her delicate features are often lit up with a playful smile. Despite her youth, Lucy possesses a wisdom and intuition beyond her years, as well as a deep empathy and compassion for others. 

beside her with his arms crossed, with a terribly moody face stood the middle Pevensie, Edmund. He has short, light brown hair and brown eyes. Wearing his school uniform, consisting of a gray blazer, white shirt, and tie. And finally we have the oldest Pevensie, Peter. Peter has short, dark blonde hair and lovely deep brown eyes. He is physically strong and athletic, which never goes un noticed to Abigail. She knows her feelings for him a wrong but she just couldn't help herself. She knows they could never be together though. He is strong, popular and always speaking about what is on his mind but Abigail was polite, well mannered and loved her bestfriend too much to hurt her.

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