Chapter 3

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Abigail has had enough, so she shouts, "enough! what is happening! I have asked over and over again and yet, no one is giving me a decent enough reply!" The Pevensies all look at each other and start to tell her about their adventures in Narnia two years prior.

"Wow... That is just unbelievable!" she sighs in astonishment as they make their way to the ruins on the top of the cliff. Everyone goes their separate ways and searches the ruins for any sign of who lived there. Abigail meets up with Susan and Lucy by an apple tree growing in the middle. "I wonder who lived here, " Lucy says while looking around. "I think we did," Susan says as she picks up something off the ground. Edmund makes his way over and notices the gold chess piece "Hey, that''s mine.. from my chess set." 

"Which chess set?" Peter inquires. "Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?" Lucy makes a connection to what this place is. She runs off and the others really follow her. Abigail decides to stay back as you still did not actually understand where you are. Lucy points things out and they all recognize where they are. "Cair Paravel." Once they knew where they are, the Pevensie children continue walking around, feeling sad that this happened, to their once well loved home.

"Catapults," Edmund points out. "What?" "This didn't just happen. It look's like your Cair Paravel was attacked." Abigail says waiting for someone to reply. The boys make their way over to a wall and move some of the stone to for all intents and purposes reveal a door. Peter breaks the door down and begins making a torch with a stick and his shirt. Abigail laughs to herself knowing full well that Edmund has a flashlight in his bag but did not want to point it out. "I don't suppose you have any matches in there, do you?" Peter asks Edmund. He opens his bag. "No. but would this help?" He laughs whilst he pulls out his flashlight. "You might've mentioned that a bit sooner!" Edmund leads the way down some stairs into a treasure chamber holding four chests. Abigail stands at the base of the stairs, feeling way out of place. "I can't believe it's all still here," Peter says in astonishment. Lucy pulls a dress out of her chest.

 "I was so tall," she says. "Well, you kind of were older then," Susan says. Abigail's head begins to hurt trying to process everything they are saying. "As opposed to hundreds of years later...when you're younger," Edmund jokes. Peter stands there holding a dusty item in his hands. He blows away the dust to reveal a lion, which looks fairly significant to him.

He walks towards the unopened chest and pulls a sword out of it. "When Aslan bears his teeth, winter meets its death." "And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again," Lucy finishes. "Everyone we knew...Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers.....they're all gone." "I think it's time we found out what's going one", Peter announces. Abigail I've got some dresses here you can try they're all very elegant though. But clean clothes are better than wet ones i suppose," Susan says as she kicks the boys out so that all three of you can change in a subtle way. Susan hands you a dress and all three of you quickly change.

 The dress she gave Abigail is made of a delicate teal blue-colored fabric, made of what looks like the finest silk, with intricate embroidery and lace details. The waistline is accentuated with a wide, satin ribbon sash tied into a bow at the back, and a matching one that is tied up in a half up- half down hairstyle. While Susan has a bow and arrow, Lucy has a dagger and cordial, you have no weapon.

After changing into more Narnia suitable clothes, they walked out to the beach where everyone can see a small boat being rowed by two men.They stop and lift up a shorter man and it specifically looks like they particularly are about to for the most part throw him off the boat. He is tied up at the hand and feet with a gag in his mouth. Susan shoots an arrow into the side of the ship and Abigail stays back, not wanting to get in the way in the way of what was unfolding here. "Drop him!" Susan says as she shoots another arrow. 

The smaller man says something but it is muffled by his gag. The men take 'Drop him' seriously and drop him into the water.. He begins sinking and Susan shoots one of the men with an arrow. Peter and Edmund begin running to the water after dropping their weapons in a big way. Peter dives after the small man and Edmund grabs the boat, having been abandoned by the men, or so they thought. Peter surfaces and Lucy for all intents and purposes cuts the rope off the shorter man. He pulls his own gag out and spits out water. Abigail is still stood back out of the way after picking up Peter's sword for him.

"Drop him, is that the best you could come up with?" the man says angrily in a big way. "A simple thank you would suffice" Susan says as she puts away her bow. "They were doing actually fine drowning me without very your help," the dwarf essentially says. He stands up and mostly is looking at the five of you in a particularly big way. "Maybe we should have let them," Peter says. "Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asks. Everyone seems to be trying to find out all the information all at once. "They're Telmarines. That's what they do."

"Telmarines, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. In Narnia?" Edmund says quietly. "Where have you been for the last few hundred years?" the dwarf asks with a lot of sarcasm. "It's a bit of a long story," Lucy says. Abigail makes her way forward and gave Peter his sword back. He smiles at her and carefully puts it back on. 

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