Chapter 5

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Renjun's Pov

Why is he being like this?

Can't he see I'm uncomfortable?

Before I could push him away, a pair of hands pulled him back. I exhaled a breath of relief upon seeing Jisung, he should've come earlier but at least he did makeing me feel much better.

"Excuse me mister, but you can't touch him" "Can't you see, how pale he looks, you're scaring him" Jisung gives me an assuring nod letting me know it'll be okay.

"Scaring him? Who me? I'm pretty sure he's enjoying my attention" "Why would he get scared of me, I didn't even do anything wrong"

"Listen mister, if it's about the car, don't worry we'll transfer you money as compensation"

"It's not about the car kid, and let me inform you that he knows me, the matter is between us, you don't need to get involved," the chaebol spats.

"Aren't I right Renjun-nim," he looks at me as he approaches closer again, I notice many eyes staring at me, I take a step back.

"See he doesn't want you near, now your account number"

The chaebol pauses and looks at me for a moment , his face looks unsettled before speaking again, "I understand.."

Ji gives him his phone then he types in the number.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I was just joking, I didn't actually mean what I said," he seemed genuine but I didn't give a reply and quietly went to my car as Ji held my hand.

"What happened you two took so long, was the man really that mad?" Kai asks.

Jisung tries to say something but his face then turns back to the chaebol, he scrunches his nose "I can't tell really, he didn't looked mad to me, just um weird"

"Weird? Did he say something to his highness?"

"I don't know exactly but he says hyung knows him," they both turn their head towards me.

"Can you at least start the car before knowing the truth," I said.

We were halfway there to my place, I thought they would stay quiet about the matter seeing how I myself didn't bring it up but Kai had to shove his head in my business. He is my manager after all, I think I should tell them by now.

I closed my eyes and said loudly, "He's the one I'm supposed to marry"

The car stops all of a sudden, making me bump my head to the seat in front. Ji I swear, I'll punch him hard if he keeps this up.

"The Ferrari guy?!" he shouts right in my ear.

"Don't stop the car all of a sudden you idiot," I shout back, "And yes that Ferrari guy"

"Oh no, you hurt his highness, the queen will not like this"

Is the queen my mom?

But why is Kai holding such a big suitcase that says emergency on top of it.

He keeps taking out weird looking needles.

"Your highness, where are you hurt?" he asked as he brought a needle close to my face.

"Uhh I'm actually fine, please keep that away" "Why are you guys so shocked though?"

"Well he's.. handsome, actually he's a lot handsome," "What does he do hyung?"

"Some chaebol you guys don't need to know about"

"So he's on top of the chain, got them big cars, handsome no doubt and doesn't beg for money like a spoiled chaebol, hyung isn't he perfect" "You won't get a man like him, maybe rethink your choices"

"Ji don't go for money and looks when there's more what a marriage needs- Loyalty, respect and utmost love for each other to the point that they are willing to sacrifice for each other"

"Hyung your ideal relationship is so unreal in this day and age where divorce and cheating tops the list"

"No I'll only marry if I get all of this else single for life," I get out the car, then suddenly Kai calls out to me.

"Wait your highness" he puts a woolen hat on my head and lightly pats it.

"What are you doing?"

"In case the queen notices your slight reddish forehead and questions you a million times about it, I helped you cover it"

".. okay thanks whatever kind of help this is, I don't think she notices my face that much since I always run straight to my room, well anyways, Ji better be on time tomorrow morning, we've to go to that company"

Ji nods and they both head to their places.

After a quick bath I put on my clothes.

I took out all the new fan letters that I got this week and started reading them one by one.

"I really love your performances Renjun, your last comeback was so cool. I hope you get lots of rest before your next comeback.

Lots of love from your big fan Aria"

I smiled, I really liked reading fan letters, they always appreciate my hard work.

"..I accidentally saw you in a restaurant I frequently visit, I didn't know you before but after you waved so happily to your fans I got curious and then I started listening to all your songs. I found a new love as I went out for my number one love in the world that is food. Haha I'm a new fan. I can recommend you good restaurants. Be healthy Renjun-nim"

I smiled again but then my eyes stopped on the term 'Renjun-nim'.

I got reminded of Mr. Chaebol, Ji says he's perfect for marriage but he's basing his thoughts on looks and money. Why do I have to marry someone like that if I already possess all those qualities. I am handsome as well and I sell millions of albums, so why do I need to rely on someone else for it?

Even if I do consider it then what about him, is he actually willing to spend his life with an idol who lives most of the time in front of cameras. Chaebols wouldn't be considering marrying celebrities unless they really love them.

Earlier I did get scared not particularly by him, but more specifically about my reputation. If news leaks about my marriage, then my whole hard work will be for nothing. Being an idol is what I always dreamed about. Letting it get trashed by a man who doesn't even respect my personal boundaries will be a shame.

Tomorrow is an important meeting, it'll give a boost to my idol career. I hope everything goes well.

a/n:  and I'm back with so many au ideas in my head that I'm not sure will ever see the light of day or not

Anyways votes, comments are appreciated!

Have a wonderful day!

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