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"Slipping Through My Fingers"

By Yeo_Mama


Wooyoung gets a little too excited over starting his first day of preschool and Seonghwa is left to cope with the doesn't end well.


"Have a good day boys!"

Seonghwa called out as he waved his sons goodbye, the remaining four boys like a cluster of chirping ducklings flocked around his husband as they all chimed in together to wish their mother farewell. Hongjoong flashed a wink in the blonde's direction, mouthing a quick "Good luck" as he caroled their squad of elementary kids, urging them down the hall as he began the journey of dropping them off to their respective classrooms.

Seonghwa watched them go, eventually moving his attention down as he felt the previously forgotten grip on his hand tighten, his arm getting tugged a few times when he was too slow to react; smiling at the whine that reached his ears.

"Eommaaaaa! Come on!"

Wooyoung grumbled, pulling at his arm once again as the four-year-old begged him to move, attempting to put every ounce of his tiny body into dragging him along behind him, but the blonde barely budged. Seonghwa couldn't help but giggle underneath his breath, petting at his son's dark locks affectionately.

"Alright, alright! I'm moving!"

He chuckled, watching as his youngest left him in honor of hurrying down the opposite hall his brothers went, seemingly eager to attend his first day of preschool as his backpack jingled behind him with each of his excited steps.

Seonghwa tried his best to stay with the rambunctious four-year-old, somehow managing to keep him in his line of sight as he walked. However, it proved to be much more difficult to maintain his speed with the twenty-eight week pregnant belly that currently jutted out from his hips, hindering his normally long strides to an annoying waddle. He kept up though, arriving in front of his son's classroom with little to no trouble, but he purposely ignored the fact that he was winded by the end of their journey. He attempted to keep his panting to a minimum as he acknowledged all of the familiar faces standing around outside the room. He could only cup a supportive hand underneath his heavy middle and pray that his face wasn't too red as he smiled at the fellow parents.

Mr. Lee was by the door greeting everyone as they entered into his classroom, waving to his new students with a blinding smile and bubbly attitude, his yellow cardigan and happy energy making him look like the sun. Wooyoung instantly saddled up to him, having been previously acquainted with the male as he taught Mingi just last year, but it didn't really matter as his four-year-old was a social butterfly by nature and could easily strike up a conversation with literally anyone.

Seonghwa smiled at the brunette as he approached, beckoning his son with a finger as he kneeled down onto one knee, albeit slowly with the large bump in his way.

"Come here, baby."

He called out, watching as Wooyoung immediately scampered over to him with far too much energy than what should be acceptable at eight in the morning.

The blonde grabbed onto his son, straightening out his striped tee and making sure it was properly tucked into his little denim overalls before he soothed down his black hair. He looked so cute that Seonghwa couldn't help but reach out and poke his cheek teasingly, the preschooler swiping at his hand with a whine, making him chuckle.

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