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"Masti-this the end?"

By Yeo_Mama


Seonghwa gets mastitis.


"Having a bit of a malfunction over there, Hwa?"

Hongjoong called out as he noticed the older's male's obvious struggle, his hand seeming to fight with one of the elastic straps underneath his shirt while also holding Yeosang. The constant snapping against his skin had pulled the younger's attention away from making lunch, and rather to the look of frustration that sat poised along his husband's eyebrows. He glared violently at the tv as he waged war with the finicky material, honing in on Pororo's goggles like he wished to set fire to the penguin himself. Even Yunho seemed confused by his mother's face as he watched him from where he was playing on the floor. What had their son's favorite cartoon ever done to him?

"I think this nursing bra is too small."

Seonghwa commented as soon as Hongjoong was close enough, eagerly accepting the plate the brunette held out towards him. They made a seamless trade off, switching baby for sandwich as the male dug into his meal with fervor. He always got ravenous after feedings.

"Hm? Didn't we just buy those before Yeosang-ah was born?"

Hongjoong asked, casually propping their youngest up onto his shoulder as he plopped himself down next to the elder. He blindly fished around for a burping cloth as he talked, knowing his husband always kept some folded in a basket by the couch. A piece of fabric was eventually thrown his way, Seonghwa seeming rather unimpressed by his attempt. Ah, they were on the other end.

"Yeah, but it's really tight over on this side."

His partner explained as he ate, cupping the right side of his chest with a tender hand.

"Well just take it off then. We're at home anyways."

Hongjoong concluded, steadily patting at Yeosang's back. Seonghwa looked at him like he was stupid. Though with his cheeks stuffed full of bread, it wasn't very effective.

"And risk ruining every single one of my shirts? No thank you."

His husband waved off his response like it was an annoying fly as he focused back in on his lunch; signaling the end of their conversation. The brunette just let him be. His efforts were shot down anyways, so there wasn't much else he could do but let him make his own decisions.

They sat in a comfortable silence, not speaking to one another as they went about their current tasks. Although, Seonghwa did lean over to tap his shoulder at one point. Hongjoong was almost too engrossed watching Yunho play to even notice, humming to signify that he was listening.

"You got a little something right there."

The male stated offhandedly as he got up from the couch, taking his plate to the sink. The brunette immediately felt something warm trail down the back of his shirt at that, barely catching Yeosang's sigh of relief. He could only groan when he finally realized what had happened.

Well shit.


A few hours later...



Seonghwa's voice echoed throughout the house, easily reaching the brunette from the bathroom.

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