Smoke Part 4

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Kate woke me up at sunset. "We're here. Wake up", she gently poked my arm.

"I don't see a house around here". Only a lake and trees.

"My house is eight hours away from here. But i'm covered in blood and it has dried on my clothes. If i don't have a bath anytime soon i am going to puke".

She opened her bag and grabbed a pair of tatty leggins and a shirt.

"Hold them while i have my bath. I don't want my clean pair to get dirty". After she gave them to me she tried to undress but her clothes were sticky. She quickly lost her temper and ripped them off.

"Aren't you embarrased to undres in front of me?"

She smiled. "Should i be?"

She walked into the lake and left her shoes at the shore. I sat on a log and tried to not look. But i failed. I didn't have time to observe her at first and then she was too dirty for me to notice, but she was beautiful. When the blood was washed off of her i could see the beautiful golden colour of her hair and the last beams of sun fell on her body as if they were worshipping her. She got out a little while before the sun disappeared behind the mountains. Kate sat down for a while to dry her body and then she got dressed. I got some water too, to clean my wounds.

"I think we should go", she suggested. I followed her into the car.

"Do you mind driving? I'm very tired and i don't want to accidentally fall asleep. I'll show you where to go on the map".

I nodded and took her place at the driver's seat. Kate pulled her wet hair into a ponytail and sat beside me. She fell asleep a while after i started the car.

I could not take my mind away from Ellie. Maybe she was waiting for me. Maybe she was waiting for someone to save her. I whispered a prayer for her safety and tried to think about something else. I turned around to look at Kate's face. Asleep, she looked like an angel.

I kept driving for a few more hours until she woke up. "Why don't you sleep too, Peter? We're way too far away from the city to be found", her voice sounded like a purr.

I smiled. "Whatever the boss says ". I stopped the car. She got up and took two blankets from the trunk of the car. She curled up at the back seat and i at the front next to the driever's seat.

"Goodnight", she surprised me with a kiss and winked. I thought i would not be able to sleep after that but i was soon proven wrong.

Her lips on my forehead was what woke me up.

"Good morning", she whispered sweetly.

"Good morning".

"Time to wake up. Are you thirsty?"

"Really thirsty. Thank you", i said as she handed me her thermos. She sat next to me. "In a few minutes we'll be home. There will be breakfast there. I hope you don't mind that the breakfast i'm talking about is crisps and beer".

"That's the perfect healthy diet", i joked.

She laughed. "We don't have to start right now. I just thought you'd like to wake up early.

I smiled and caressed her hair. "That's the best wake up i've ever had", i leaned in to give her a kiss.

But she pushed me onto the door and put her hand around my throat.

"You know, Peter", she laughed. "You trust way too easily. You should be more careful".

Her mouth opened, way more than it was possible for a human mouth to open and her teeth grew longer. Her voice did not sound human anymore.

"You were barely a challenge".

I screamed, but there was no one around to hear me. She leaned closer and sunk her teeth into my throat. The last thing i saw, her golden hair and then darkness.


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