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Requested by bylerrights123

Matt freaks out right before an English presentation 

Matt POV

It was the morning that I was not looking forward to at all. I had an English presentation first thing in the morning so what a great way to start my day. I hate presentations with all my heart. I hate standing in front of the entire class with all their attention on me. What makes this presentation even worse was that I had to memorize the poem. I have the worst memory in my family and I barely studied at all last night. Luckily, I was able to memorize the entire thing last minute in the bathroom during homeroom. 

I was sitting at my table while Nick was giving his presentation. I was right after him so I was terrified as fuck. I couldn't stop myself from biting my nails and my knee bouncing. Chris, who was sitting right next to me, noticed and wrapped an arm around me.

"Don't stress about it matty, it's not as bad as you think I promise" Chris said, who was the first to present

Chris was probably right, but it's unlikely that it'll be going the same for me. Even though me and Chris are like best friends, we are VERY different from each other. Chris is very confident and a complete extrovert, at least in school, while I'm very shy and have trouble talking to anyone that's not my brothers or really close friends. Although Chris isn't really the smartest, he is amazing at these presentations cause he always finds ways to make it entertaining. I'm sorta the opposite.

"Are you sure...?" I asked


Nick ended his presentation right after and sat down at the table in front of me. Shit, it was my turn now.

"Nick! How was it??" I asked as my anxiety skyrocketed since my turn was next

"It's not that bad when you get up there, as long as you memorized you poem. You'll do fine, I promise" Nick smiled

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Ok Mathew, you're up" I heard the teacher say

"You'll do great Matt" Chris said

"Yeah I believe in you!" Nick said

I got up and slowly walked to the front of the class. The more I looked at the class, the more nervous I got. I decided to just get it over with fast.

"Whose woods these I think I know... his house is in... uhh...."

I paused. I tried thinking of the word until I realized I forgot the entire poem. 

"... his house... is... uhh... umm..." I mumbled

I froze completely as I just awkwardly stood in front of the whole class. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I looked around the classroom. Two girls were whispering to each other. A group of boys in the back snorted and smiled like they were about to laugh. I looked at my brothers to see them mouthing the words to my poem but it didn't help at all. I completely forgot my poem. 

With being the center of attention, looking like an idiot, and seeing everyone's judgement, I couldn't help but start crying. I covered my face with my hands as I heard a bunch of laughing and the teacher trying to call my name. 

Already being embarrassed, I sprinted out the door and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself inside the big stall and backed myself into the corner crying. I made a complete fool of myself in front of the entire class, there's no way I'm going back in there. I planned to stay here until class ends, or maybe for the entire day. 

As I was crying, I heard the door open. I covered my mouth to try cover my sobs. I prayed that it wasn't someone from my class or a teacher. Then I heard a familiar voice knock on the stall door.

"Matt...? Are you in there?"

It was Chris. I saw another pair of feet next to him which I recognized was Nicks shoes. I was relieved it was just my brothers.

"Are you okay babe? Can you let us in?" Nick asked

Without responding, I got up and unlocked the door. I opened it to see Chris standing right in front of me and hugged him tightly while still crying.

"You poor thing..." Nick said while hugging me from behind

"Shhh it's ok matty" Chris said while rubbing my back

"N-noo! It's not!! I e-embarrassed myself i-in front of e-everyone!!" I sobbed, "I don't wanna go back in there!"

"But you have to—"

"They're all just g-gonna make fun o-of me!!" I cried

"No they won't matty, we'll make sure they won't" Nick said

"I just wanna go home..." I mumbled

Third POV

Chris and Nick looked at each other, feeling terrible for their brother. It sorta became a habit for Nick and chris to comfort their brother after a presentation or test. They wish they could take that feeling away from him but they couldn't.

After Matt felt semi ready to go back, they helped wash his face and clean up and went back to class. Matt felt embarrassed when he walked back inside since everyone's eyes was on him. He could still hear their laughs and snickers. 

"Oh Mathew, you're back. Uh you can just redo your presentation this Wednesday. Just come more prepared next time ok?" The teacher said

Matt nodded and sat back down at his seat, head down to avoid any eyes that were staring at him. Chris wrapped an arm around his brother while Matt rested his head on his shoulder. Matt just wanted the day to end. 

The class ended 10 minutes later and it was time for lunch. Chris and Nick dedicated their lunch time to cheer Matt up and by the time lunch was over, Matt seemed to be back on his feet again. On Tuesday night, Matt spent hours memorizing and presenting his poem to his brothers so that he was really prepared. Chris and Nick gave him as much feedback and encouragement so that Matt will do his best. Matt ended up getting full points for that assessment and his brothers couldn't be any happier for him :)

Authors note

Yeesh, there's been a lot of crying in these chapters lately

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