Nick broke a promise

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Requested by ChrissyOwenRose

Nick is supposed to help Matt with math but doesn't which angers Chris

Third POV

Nick and matt were sitting at the kitchen table. Nick was helping matt with his math homework. It was 1 am and they was still an entire page of problems left. 

"Matt it's really late. We should got to bed" Nick said while checking the time

"But I caaant" matt whined, "The exam is tomorrow and I still don't understand half this shit"

Nick saw how stressed his brother was and felt terrible. He knew how much his brother cared about his grades. In school, Nick was the best at math, while matt and chris sucked at it. Matt was better at science and history while Chris was just athletic. Matt and Nick created a system where Nick helps Matt with math in exchange for Matt helping Nick with science and history. None of them bothered helped Chris since he didn't care about his grades at all. They tried but he refused. 

Then Nick had an idea. He reached for his folder and pulled out a notecard that looked like a ticket. 

"Here use this" Nick handed the card to Matt, "You can use this to post pone your test by a day"

Whenever a student won some sort of math contest, their math teacher hands them a little ticket. It can be used as a homework pass or to post pone a test by a day. These tickets are not easy to get since there's usually 50 students competing and it only happens once a semester.

"Really?!?!" Matt's eyes widen, "are you sure??"

"Of course" Nick smiled, "and tomorrow, I'll help you study and make sure you're prepared for that exam"

Matt squealed and pulled his older brother into a hug

"Thank you so so much!!" 

"No problem matty" Nick chuckled while rubbing the youngers back, "now let's go to bed"

Nick and Matt cleaned up their work area and headed to bed.

The next day

The school day was almost over and Nick was at his last class, which was English. He was sitting in the back of the class, not paying attention at all. Suddenly, a boy across from him tapped his shoulder.

"Pssst Nick" he said

"Huh?" Nick turned his head to face him

"Are you doing anything after school?" he asked

"Oh- uhh I have to help my-"

"Cause I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me and some other friends"

Nick knew his brother needed his help but he really wanted to go to the movies. Plus, he heard one of the boys he liked was gonna be there. He didn't know what to choose.

"Ok I'll go with you guys but I might have to leave a little early" Nick said

"Sounds good"

Once school ended, Nick followed the group as they walked around and went to the gas station to buy snacks. It was a blast. Nick didn't even realize how late it was becoming. They watched the movie and ate dinner after. By this point, Nick completely forgot about his promise to Matt.

Meanwhile with Matt 

"Hey matty boy" Chris said and slapped his hands on Matts shoulders, "whatcha doin??"

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