/Chapter One/ The Heir

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"WHAT!?" Henry shouted.

"Don't shout, Henry. Our decision is final, Peter is the next heir." said Henry's mother, Queen Luanne.

Henry stomped his foot in anger, "But that's not fair! I'm the oldest! I'm the next king!"

King Simon, his father, stepped in, "And why would we trust you to rule? You barely follow your current role, you barely act like a prince, but don't get me started on how many times you embarrassed this family!"

Henry crossed his arms.

Peter smiled, "I do my role, and I'm very respectful. I'm honored that you chose me to rule."

The King and Queen's faces soften as they hug and praise the younger brother.

Henry growled and stormed off, throwing his crown on the ground. Before his parents could nag him about his crown, he was out of the room.

Henry went to the palace's garden, where he made his own fort. The Purple Hand Gang. The purple hand on the flag waving in the wind, he made the symbol himself. His parents thought it was sloppy, messy and informal, but it fits him the most. Exactly why his knights and guards have a unique uniform, with the purple hand symbol on the front.

Henry went into his fort, sat down on the fancy red Antique Couch. He pouted, "Untrustworthy to rule? That's- that's unfair! I'd be a good ruler!"

"Prince Henry? Are you in there?" A voice said outside the fort.

"Password if you want to enter the High Superior Majesty's fort." Henry spoke back with a proud tone.

"Hm..you changed the password a lot.. Let me guess, 'Worms can't rule, they'll just shrivel under-"

"The true Superior King, Henry." The two said at the same time. Henry chuckles and opens the fort to see who he expected. His Righthand Man, Ralph. Though, by his parents it wasn't official but to Henry, he was.

"I expect you to be here, Your Majesty." Ralph said as he walked in.

Henry sat back down and flicked his waist, "Ralph, you don't have to be formal. You're my best friend."

Ralph snickered awkwardly, "Oh right, sorry. It's just a habit, especially since my dad reminds me to be formal."

Henry notices the uniform he was wearing, the Purple Hand symbol on the front. "Ralph!? Did you-"

Ralph looked down at his uniform and went back to his overjoyed state, "Oh right! Yeah, my dad said I was doing so well that I got up to Junior Guard! I get to be with other guards and I..I can be around you more since we only talk here."

Henry jumped up and down with the couch, "This is awesome! You're on your way to technically be my official Right Hand Man! We can play more pranks, talk about prissy princesses behind everyone's backs, this is the best news I ever heard!"

Ralph smirked, "Not as best as the news of you being the next heir, huh?"

Henry quickly frowned and turned back to the irritating feeling.

Ralph raised a brow, "What's wrong? I thought that would be great news, you always said how-"

"I'm not gonna be king.." Henry muttered.

"What!?" Ralph slightly yelled in surprise, "Sorry- but why? Aren't you the oldest?"

"That's what I said! But no! They're giving the crown to my wormy little brother! Peter! PETER! Him!? Being shouldn't king!? I better just move to Antarctica, it would be more fun than being in a kingdom with Peter in charge!" Henry ranted, pacing back and forth.

Ralph gently grabbed onto Henry's arm, "Calm down, Henry.. Sit down, and tell me why the highnesses chose him."

Henry sighed, and sat down on the couch. Ralph did as well. Henry told him,

"They think I wouldn't be fit to rule. How I'm irresponsible, sloppy and immature. But they don't get me! I can rule! It's just their vision of a perfect kingdom is the opposite of how I can do it! Not to mention how they love Peter more than me.. All he had to do was to be the 'Yes mummy, yes daddy' angel! It's so unfair and annoying!" Henry explained as Ralph listened.

Ralph crossed his arms, "That is unfair! Hm.. have you tried to convince them?"

"It wouldn't work.. they already know what I'd do if I was king!"

"Do they?" Ralph asked, then handing him a piece of chalk, "What would you do?"

Henry made a tiny smile and took the chalk and started to explain on the chalkboard, "Well.. first, parents shouldn't 'always be right' cause they're not! And kids shouldn't have to get up for school at the crack of dawn! And why alway eat healthy food or force kids to do exercise? I mean, do it if you want, be boring but still! And why should your music taste depend on what your parents like? Parents shouldn't make kids do chores either, especially if they had plans, besides they chose to have us. Also everyone should wear what they want, I mean who wants to wear like a ruffled pansy, not me that's for one! And-"

Another voice was heard at the entrance of the treehouse, "Your highness, your parents are looking for you. Guests are coming over."

Henry groaned, but walked out of the fort. Ralph followed as well.

Two of the King and Queen's guards were waiting outside, "Come on, Prince Henry, let's get you clean up before they arrive. You really shouldn't be in that rusty, dirty fort-"

Ralph placed his hand on Henry's shoulder and whispered, "Well for what it's worth, I think you'd be an amazing- no, the best king."

Henry smiled, but when dragged away by one of the guards, "Ow- H-hey! Let me go! I can walk by myself! New rule..'no guards should drag their king'.."

The other guard looked down at Ralph, "Hm.. A junior guard for Prince Henry, huh?"

Ralph responded with slight intimidation, "Yeah. I'm very skilled for my age."

The guard spoke again, "Well, it's clear you don't know basic things. You're a guard, you protect the family, not play with them. You don't have personal connections with any of them, especially Prince Henry. I won't count this as anything, so take this as a warning." Then he walked away.

"I do want to protect him..No, I will protect him. Afterall, I'm his Righthand Man, and he is my king."

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