/Chapter Four/ Sneaky Kids

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In the Guards headquarters, Ralph's dad had a talk with Ralph.

"Now, our job is to serve and protect the family even if it costs us our own life." His dad began.

"Yeah Dad, I know. That's the basics." Ralph yawned, hearing this speech before.

His dad continued with a smile, "Well.. I was thinking. What if you could see it in action? Outside the castle."

That piqued interest in Ralph quickly.

"I'm one of the guards to stay with the royal family all day. I asked if I could take my son to learn and observe. They happily agreed!"

Ralph quickly grew a smile, "You mean- out at work? With you? With all of the royal family?"

"That's what I said, didn't I?" Ralph's dad chuckled, messing his hair up. "We leave in 5 minutes, be ready alright?"

Ralph quickly ran out of the room, he needed some things before he could go. He ran past the other workers, but at the corner of his eye, he could've sworn his saw Henry. He stopped running and turned back where he saw him, but he just saw the door slam. He knew something was wrong but he couldn't open the door that was slammed. He just had to figure it out the hard way. He went to one of the glass cases that carries weapons, weapons only used for emergencies. But there was a grappling hook, that was something Ralph needed. He opened the case and took the hook, and ran outside. He walked towards the South wing, where Henry's room is. He heard slams, crashing and Henry mumbled ranting. The Junior guard looked around, making sure he wasn't being watched and used the grappling hook to climb to his window.

He finally got to his window and lifted himself up, he was..pretty surprised. Henry noticed Ralph at his window shill and he groaned in embarrassment.

"Great- Exactly who I need to see right now-"

Ralph was confused but came into his room, "Wow- phht- what happened to you?" Ralph asked, not wanting to laugh.

Henry crossed his arms and grumbled, "Princess Moodiness.."

Ralph got the picture with just that and playfully chuckled, "Well..you don't necessarily look bad in pink."

Henry could help but chuckle with him and playfully punched him, "Shut up, Spike Boy!"

That's when he remembered that his dad ruined his hair and quickly fixed it. But went back on topic,

"Sooo..did you win?"

"I would have if they didn't pull us back." Henry responded with pride.

Ralph heard the limousines driving off, and quickly went to the window and watched them drive away.

"Wait- you're not going?" Ralph questioned.

Henry's expression faded back to frustration, "No! Not because I didn't want to! But because I fought back when Margaret embarrassed me in front of everyone! And they expected me to apologize! Can you believe that!?"

"Are you serious? That's unfair!" Ralph agreed, not believing his parents' logic.

"I know! So now I'm stuck here all day!" Henry exclaimed as he kicked the wall.

Ralph put his hands in his pockets as he looked at the floor, "Especially since my dad went gonna take me to observe, to be honest I really just want to be with you-"

Ralph quickly stopped himself, but he was silent. The Junior Guard felt his cheek heat up, "I mean what I meant was-"

"Ralph..THAT'S GENIUS! YOU'RE GENIUS!" Henry exclaimed as he grabbed onto Ralph's shoulders with a smile.

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