Speedor Racing

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Speedor Racing was something all in Chima loved, weather to watch or participate in.

While typically, there was usually only 8 to 10 racers, with the new tribes, there was closer to 18 now.

Racing down the latest track for the monthly golden chi races proved that the races were still the same as they had ever been.

Cragger and Laval in the lead, Worriz right behind.

"See you later, furball." Cragger laughed as he pulled ahead.

"Not on your life."

Worriz sighed to himself. When were those idiots gonna get together?

But he didn't have much time to think on that as two blurrs sped past.

"Oh no. Not those two again!"

Cragger and Laval turned back to see...

"Ah!" Laval cried as the Eagle speedor came right for him.

Swerving out of the way just in time, the lion hit a mound of dirt and was launched out of his speedor.

Following right behind him was Cragger, who had pulled the same maneuver to avoid a rocky collision with an incoming Rhino speedor.

This was not Eris and Rogon, but two very oddball children: Esto and Eagle and Rolgin the Rhino.

The two little upstarts had been winning races month after month, somehow getting the better of everyone, even Laval and Cragger.

They played dirty, finding loopholes in the Lions' rules so not to get disqualified, then keeping every other racer on their toes.

As Esto crossed the finish line with Rolgin right behind, Cragger glared.

"Er, someone should teach those two a lesson!"


"I must admit Lavertus, I do wish you'd doan the old Shadow Wind armor again to teach those kids a lesson." Lagraveus said, standing beside his brother.

The ex-exiled lion was fidgety, as usual, chaffing under the ways of royalty, but he smiled.

"Oh I don't know. I like their spunk!" He giggled as they brought the glowing orb of chi to the winner.

Esto stood proudly and impatiently, Rolgin behind her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll use it well and wisely. She said as she took the orb from the king's hands.

She smiled at her friend as they took off for their speedors, not even waiting for the crowds' cheers.

"Hm, they're gone like the wind." Lavertus remarked.


"Esto! Rolgin! Hey guys, wait up!" Wonald huffed and puffed, following behind G'loona, who was chasing the eagle and rhino speedors.

Unlike the ones used by Eris and Rogon, these ones were compiled from old parts, metals, and rocks. But somehow the two had welded them to resemble themselves.

The two reluctantly stopped.

"What?" Rolgin asked, their ears twitching.

"We were just going to ask if you dudes wanted to hang." G-loona smiled hopefully.

For a second, it looked like the two were considering it. But then Esto shook her head.

"Sorry guys," she said genuinely. "We'd love to, but we have work to do."

"Work?" A voice said from the trees above them. "We're kids, what work could you possibly have."

Black feathers gave Rath away, the young raven standing on a tree branch.

"Yeah, what secret are you two keeping?" Cride, her teeth shining, asked as she came out from the tree line.

She stopped, turning back to guide a sleeping Bertha behind her.

Esto and Rolgin shared another look.

Wonald wasn't sure when the two had become so secretive. It had always been them, all together before, 8 friends like the 8 tribes.

But in recent months, they kept away from them, hiding in shadows to discourage conversation.

Luckily, kids weren't afraid of shadows.

"Guys, lets not interrogate them." A voice from the path behind Wonald and G'loona said.

Lenla came to stand beside them. Of the eight, she was the shortest.

"Listen guys," Esto tried again. "We're just...busy today...maybe next time..."

Rath jumped down onto her speedor. "What do you need all that chi for anyway?"

Like most Raven's, he was covered in scapes of metal, too rusty to be valuable for anything outside Raven fashion.

Rolgin sighed. "It was surprise."

"A surprise?" Cride jumped forward. "What, like, new weapons!"

"New rules?"
"Honey!" Bertha asked in her sleep.

But the two shook their heads cheekily.

"Well, now you have to tell us." Lenla pointed out.

"Better yet," Esto gave a devious smile, one that seemed better fit on that of a Ice Bear than an eagle. "We'll show you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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