Chapter 1: Art

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Blade POV

*Beginning of Flashback*

I am awoken by the suns rays shining though my bedroom window. With that awakening I knew today was going to be a beautiful day. When I walked downstairs I went to go greet my mom who was usually awake at this time, but when I walked into the kitchen she wasn't there. I began to think she was having a late start. When I walk over to the fridge to grab something for breakfast there was a note, which said:

Dear Jenn (Cameron's nickname for her),

I have been asked to go on tour with a group called Magcon. Mom, dad, and Sierra will be home soon because they needed to drop me off at the airport. I promise to keep in touch by calling everyday and make sure you text me to keep me updated.


We kept in touch for one week then he mysteriously stopped returning my texts and calls. I called him everyday but he never picked up, when I texted him he never texted back, and worst of all in his videos he tells his fans that he only had one sister, which was Sierra. But after a while, I gave up and stopped trying to contact him.

*Flashback Ends*

"BLADE!!!" my teacher screamed at the top of her lungs

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my teacher, Mrs. Garcia yelled my name.

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?" She said angrily.

"Nope, I don't give two shits about what happens in this class" I say with carelessness.

"PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" She yelled making me chuckle.

Before walking out the door I saw my crew getting out of their seats. Man I loved these guys. We all knew that we were all in this together so if one of us left we all leave.

We all walked into Mrs. Jones, our principal's office, she then said "what did you guys do this time?"

"Well I was dozing off until Mrs Garcia interrupted me, so she started getting all up in my face so I told her I don't give a fuck what happens during class" I say in an innocent voice.

"I'm going to call you're parents and tell them to pick you up"

"Uhhhh, why?"

"It's because they need to talk to you about your behavior"

"Like they care, the only person that really cares about me in my family is Sierra"

She calls my parents and surprisingly they pick up. Mrs. Jones then tells me that they will be here to pick me up in a few minutes. I told the gang that they could leave and that I would see them at the apartment, so they left. When my parents came they gave me a 30 minute lecture until they dropped me off at my apartment.

When I walked into my apartment, I saw the gang sitting on the couch waiting for me I thanked them and sat on Chris' lap. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. Chris and I have a weird friendship, and what I mean when I say that is that we are VERY close. I look at my phone and it was only 4 o'clock. Since it was so early and we were bored we decided that tonight we would go spray paint a few walls. We began to get ready by packing a bag with all the spray cans.

After a few hours of talking and laughing, we went to go eat. When we were leaving the restaurant we checked the time, it was 8 o'clock, which was the perfect time to do this because it was so dark.

We went into an ally and began to do what people call graffiti, but we call art. Peyton wrote "I Regret Nothing." Then it was Emily's turn, she began to draw a gun. When it was Chris' turn he was writing "Popularity is for Mediocre People." Brent was writing "Don't Grow Up." Luke wrote "If You Ain't Fresh, You Better Get Fresh." Finally you get to me, mine was the most deep. I wrote "Dream as if You'll Live Forever, Live as if You'll Die Tomorrow." We were taking pictures of our masterpieces until we heard sirens getting closer and closer.

That was when Luke yelled "RUN!" We all made a run for it. The cops got out of the car and chased after us yelling "VIPERS STOP RUNNING!" Yes they knew who are group was. Since Emily was the shortest meaning she was the slowest runner, she was tackled by one of the cops. When the cop told Emily that they were bringing her downtown, of course she had to make a joke about it. She then said "Yay I've always wanted to go to downtown Disney" it made us laugh because it was so stupid.

When she was handcuffed and put into the cop car we turned ourselves in because like I said we stick together no matter what.

*skip car ride*

We finally got to the police station and we were all on first name basis with the people who worked there so we said hello. They called our parents and we had to wait for them to pick us up, so we were talking to our favorite cop, Jake. Michelle, the lady at the front desk, called for all of us meaning our parents were here to pick us up.

But instead of our parents being there to pick me and the gang up it was someone who I never wanted to see again........



Thanks to the people that are reading this fanfic

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