Once upon a time

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Once upon a time, there were two girls who were best friends. They lived in a drowsy little village called Gavaldon and both of them were bullied relentlessly. One day, they got swept away from that awful place to the School for Good and Evil. One girl studied at the Good school and the other at the Evil school. The girl at the evil school was convinced she was good and desperately wanted to see the shimmering school of good so she tried everything to get there. She was given powerful dark magic by a man named Rafal to help her with this task. They ultimately fell in love and the two girl's friendship was put on the line but eventually, they realised that all the manipulation they had gone through had brought them closer together. They went back to Gavaldon with renewed spirit and got revenge on everyone that wronged them. The End.


What a stupid story. First of all, the evil girl became one of the most powerful people of the century and didn't do anything useful with that magic. The power described is a form of dark blood magic (not to be confused with light blood magic). It can destroy the highest mountains, kill every army the world has to offer. It's even said it can raise the dead back to near perfection. Not just regenerating the body like in most books and stories, but the soul as well. I must tell you that it is the only magic capable of doing that and as such is very rare and very illegal. Not that either of those things matter if you already have that power.

Second of all, she just throws that power away and returns to the place that made her miserable for petty revenge. "For her friend" apparently. I, for one, am not convinced. Why on earth would anyone do that? She finally left Gavaldon (which is what she wanted in the first place may I remind you) to learn that she is truly loved by someone and can be everything she wants and more. Yet she leaves it all behind for what? I village that hates her? A "friend" that will eventually leave? And I know everyone says it's not real love because Rafal manipulated her, but they are missing the magic. I see it clearly. The spell he used could only work with true loves kiss. Which they shared. I should know this magic more than anyone. I'm getting ahead of myself a little though.

Sitting in a tree in the Endless Woods, I let my mind question the story of Agatha and Sophie of Gavaldon. Being a reader from that wretched place myself, I just don't understand why Sophie went back. I never did. At 15 years old, my bedroom window was shattered and I was dragged outside and into the night under a blood moon. After being dumped into the river, I fully embrace my never powers and constantly proved that I was the best, despite all the other students trying to put me down. Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to kill them until after graduation. What a joyous day that was. I can still remember the look on the Ever teachers faces and the screams of those that really got on my nerves. The only one not shocked by what I did was Lady Lesso, who, dare I say, understood? She was always different for some reason. After that, I shook hands with Lesso and ran.

Now I'm back. The Nevers needed a new curses teacher and with my talent (and let's be honest, ruthlessness), I was the clear choice. I have set up camp for the night and tomorrow I will be ready to show a new generation how to be the best. Evil hasn't won in over 200 years. Rafal came close but I will do it. This year, evil will win. I am determined.

It's strange to go back really. Remembering all the hate and torment that students endure in those hallways will be so exhilarating. I can't wait to become the reason someone wakes up ready to kill. In an even stranger way, I can't wait to see everyone again. Especially Lady Lesso. She is the Dean for the School of Evil and she wears that title like a crown. Lesso was always dressed to perfection. With a cane and her suits, she doesn't need magic to stop you dead in your tracks. Her very presence is enough to keep even the most powerful villains at bay. Don't be fooled by her beauty. She is a cold woman and will not hesitate to take you to the doom room. A personal torture chamber that I'm very jealous of.

Of course, I will also have to endure Clarissa Dovey, Dean of the School for Good. Cinderella's fairy godmother. Literally. She is insufferable. Dressed in the finest silk and pure gold thread, she emanates kindness and positivity. Always happy, always smiling, it's a miracle she doesn't explode from joy. I wish she did. Someone else would have to take her place though and I hate to say it but Dovey is the least annoying of them all.

As well as the two deans, there are other teacher there. For the Evers, professors Anemone, Espada and Sader teach various subjects, along with Castor, Pollux, Yuba and Princess Uma. For the Nevers, professors Manley and Sheeks tutor the upcoming villains. They are all different from when I was a student aside from the deans. Its probably just as well, as I'd rather not bring up the graduation beheading just yet. At least I can say I earned my story.

Wolves howl in the distance and pull me from my thoughts. I should sleep now to be ready for tomorrow. The tree I chose to hang my hammock in sways slightly in the breeze. Stars are visible through the branches. I may be a Never but I can still appreciate the beauty and quiet of the night. Closing my eyes, the visions of my future swirl around my head. I only have one thought before I fall asleep. I will do this and no one will stop me. No one.


Thanks for reading this guys. The first chapter is a lot shorter than I wanted but I broke 1K for the first time so go me! The next ones will hopefully be longer. I have a really good idea for this fic and would love it if you stuck around til the end. I'm hoping it will come out right. Please vote and comment your thoughts!! Constructive criticism is always welcome. Have a good day/night xx

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