Break up|notti

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Notti has been so busy at the studio lately and hasn't really been texting me back and returning my calls on top of that I just got sent a video of some smooch all over him and he was smiling and stuff then she KISSED him.That hoe kissed MY man,and he kissed back😔.So I blocked him and got the locks changed.

TIME SKIPPP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I woke up to banging on my door."omfg HOLD TF ON"I yelled cs why they banging for
"Y/n open this door rn"he yelled
"No go home notti"I said "girl stop playing and open this mf door" he said making me jump"notti pls go home"I said in a shakey voice
His anger issues was baddddd
The banging had stopped so I went to my room to see him sitting on my bed
"Notti wtf get out"I said startled "nah cs we need to talk" I laughed "leave Ethan"I said calmly "baby sit down so we can talk "he said in a soft voice "no leave like now"I said yelling he got up and started walk-in close to me until my back hit the wall ."who tf you yelling at" he said laughing "Ethan please go I don't wanna do this I already told you we are done there's nothing to talk about just..go "I said now scared "alr we're done "he said more in a questioning tone.he grabbed the gun out of his waistband and pointed it at me..

Anyways not proof read .this bitch takeyvia made me update while she otp with me talking to her sister like she stupid ..part 2?🌝

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