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"Brothers! Be careful."

Wrong Hordak nervously warns Bow and Glimmer who are chasing each other around the kitchen.

The kitchen as usual is a big mess, there is flour all over the counters, water on the floor, and dirty dishes stacked up. There's a pan of attempted scrambled eggs on the stove and an overflowing bowl of old pancake mix.

"Glimmer! The eggs are burning!"
Bow calls out after accidentally breathing in the smoky air.

Glimmer stops running and her smile immediately drops when she sees the scrambled eggs completely black and a cloud of smoke rises from the pan. Glimmer runs and turns off the stove and sighs in relief. Wrong Hordak is sweating anxiously.

Yup. This is exactly why I need to be with Glimmer when she's cooking.

Bow always secretly brought an arrow that functioned as a fire extinguisher because if anyone were to set the castle on fire, it would be Glimmer.

Adora, who was sitting away from the chaos, flipping through a magazine, minding her own business, got up unphased and opened a window without looking up from her magazine.

This is pretty much a daily occurrence.
Adora glances up from her magazine and looks at the burned eggs, unamused.

"Yeah, definitely not eating that."
She walks back over to where she was sitting when Catra comes through the door.
Catra glances over to the kitchen and rolls her eyes. She sits down in the chair next to Adora.

"Don't worry! Tomorrow's breakfast will be so much better!"
Glimmer says it so cheerfully it's almost convincing. Yet, each morning the breakfast is always a disaster.

Wrong Hordak gets the pan of burned eggs and scrapes it all into the trash. Bow opens the cupboards to get bread.

Toast is always the backup breakfast. Pretty hard to mess that up.

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