Chapter 2

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Peaking out the corner he sees him walking. His hair blows softly in the gentle breeze. Gripping the rock tightly as he looks at the prince's beautiful body. It was absolutely breathtaking, his legs looked like they had so much power behind them.

His hands slip and his tail is exposed for a quick second just enough to get the attention of Minho. They make brief eye contact and it's as if fireworks set off inside both boys. Jisung ducks down and goes under the water and into the cave under the water peaking out to see if the prince followed him.


The prince was walking down the beach when something caught his eye. It was a glint of the tail he had been dreaming about for so long. Not too long after a set of eyes meet his. The ones from his dream. He follows the direction of the eyes and walks into a cove or small grotto that is filled with pretty vines and colorful flowers and clear waters.

He sits down by the sand defeated that he didn't find this beauty. But at least this place is pretty. He makes himself comfortable on a little bench that someone a long time ago probably built. He relaxes and let's the waves drift his sleepy head into relaxation. He falls asleep on the bench.


He pops his head out of the water to check on Minho who had fallen asleep by the waters. How silly is he, Jisung chuckled and stared at his face a bit before retreating back to his own section of his cove and lay down.


He wakes up soon and looks at his surroundings. "Woah" he looks around and sees the exit. He gets up and makes his way toward the exit. From the exit he walks down the beach disappointed that he doesn't see the merman he so desperately wanted to see. He thinks his mind might be playing tricks on him for this one. Anywho he makes his way back to his room in the castle. Plopping down on his bed and falling to sleep


He plays with his finger and counts his squids to try to fall asleep but his brain won't let him forget how he almost got caught today. He does a little breathing exercises and makes a little place where his body can rest from the long day. He falls asleep on the stone after this very long exciting day.

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