Chapter 6

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Dear Karin,

I've done everything in my power to ease your pain, physically and emotionally, but there just isn't anything else I can do for you. It hurts me seeing you crying from the pain, of the fatigue, the h horrible medication. It makes me wish you'd leave as swiftly as I did, as selfish as it sounds. I wish I could do more to alleviate that pain of yours, to take it upon myself so that you'd live a normal life.

I wish you could have the life I couldn't have. I wished I could find a girlfriend, settle down, give my parents a few grandkids so that they could shut the hell up about it, y'know, a very stable future. My friend killed me in a car accident and took me away, for god knows what reason am I still here.

I hope you'll see these letters someday, I wish you could see me and hear me now...


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