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season 1, episode 2

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season 1, episode 2

"look i'm sure you're very nice, but i'm very particular about who lives in my house and you're just not right." athena looks up from her phone and stops walking to the intern locker room.

"why? look, im quiet, no loud music, no parties."

"where were you when the challenger exploded?"

"the what?"

"the space shuttle. challenger."

"uh, i think i was in kindergarten."


athena walks over to her friend and the intern she was, well, interrogating. "what are you doing?"

"looking for a roommate."

"you're looking for a roommate?" athena suddenly became interested, she needed somewhere to stay. she was sick and tired of living in a hotel room.

izzie, meredith, george and athena are standing in a corridor together. "why do you put up posters for roommates if you don't want roommates?"

"i do want roommates, we're together a hundred hours a week, you want to live together too?"

cristina joins the group and looks down at merediths hand where she is holding a coffee. cristina assumed it was for dr. bailey. "no. ooh, you're bringing bribes now?"

"i need a place to live. my mom irons my scrubs. i have to get out of there."

meredith turns to cristina before replying to george. "it's not a bribe. i don't think it's a good idea."

"but i can put down last, first and deposit."

cristina gives everyone a funny look. "it's totally a bribe."

"i can cook. and i'm an obsessive cleaner."

"no. i just want two total strangers who i don't have to talk to or be nice to, and it's not a bribe, it's a mocha latte."

athena looks up, now joining in on the conversation. "i'm living in a hotel room. i can't live in a hotel room forever. i mean im a surgeon for crying out loud."

meredith glares at athena. "don't you start as well because you know i can't say no to you." athena grins at her but doesn't have the chance to give meredith some snarky reply as bailey joins the group, giving out orders.

"george, you're running the code team, meredith, take the trauma patients, cristina and athena, take the weekend labs to the patients, izzie, you're on sutures."

meredith steps forward to face dr. bailey. "dr. bailey, i was hoping to assist you in the OR today, maybe do a minor procedure? i think im ready. mocha latte?"

cristina, george and izzie all begin to talk over each other, also wanting to get in on something. athena stands back, observing her friends with a small smirk on her face, already knowing what dr. bailey's reply will be. bailey glares at her interns. "stop talking. every intern wants to perform their first surgery, that's not your job. do you know what your job is? to make your resident look happy. do i look happy? no. why? because my interns are whining. you know what will make me look happy? having the code team staffed, having the trauma patients answered, having the weekend labs delivered, and having someone down in the pit, doing sutures. be more like athena, she listens to instructions, she pays attention, she doesn't ask loads of questions," bailey takes the mocha latte from meredith. "no one holds a scalpel until i'm so happy i'm mary freakin' poppins."

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