Chapter 33: [The Guru]

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A/N: Lowkey hate this chapter but oh well. I kinda wish I'd gone with the other option for this chapter but it's done now and we all have to deal with it ig

. . .

Aang, Sokka and Katara continued their flight to the Water Tribe Camp. 

"You haven't seen your dad in over two years. You must be so excited!" the Avatar exclaimed, turning to the siblings with a grin. 

Sokka clutched his stomach, looking to be on the verge of throwing up. "I know I should be, but I just feel sick to my stomach."

"I know what you mean," Katara agreed, a grim expression on her face. "I haven't been this nervous since Y/n tried to do a flip off that cliff..."

"Hey, you've got nothing to be worried about. He's going to be so happy to see you!" Aang gave them a bright smile, which they weakly managed to return. 

"So, what about you?" Sokka asked, partially because he was interested and partially because he wanted a distraction from his nausea. "Are you nervous to meet this guru?"

"Not at all. I'm ready to master the Avatar State. I'll do whatever it takes."

Katara smiled. "I'm sure it'll go great, Aang."

"Yeah, you got this."

"Thanks." The three of them embraced before the siblings hopped off Appa. Aang grinned, shooting them a wave. "See you in a week. Yip yip!"

The pair watched them fly off into the distance until they were nothing more than a speck in the open sky. Katara turned to her brother, gently nudging him in the side. 

"You ready for this?"

"Not in the slightest," he replied, taking a deep breath. "Let's go."

They walked into the camp where the warriors gave them warm greetings. 

"Sokka, Katara!" a man exclaimed, a smile splitting his face. "It's good to see you."

As they passed, they received several waves and smiles, welcoming words, and a few teasing remarks. At last, they made it to the main tent; their father's tent. 

When Sokka froze, staring at the tent with wide eyes, Katara stepped forwards to pull the tarp aside. Inside, they saw Hakoda studying a map with more warriors, including Bato, who had new scars on his arm. 

Bato noticed them first and he smiled, giving Hakoda a nudge. He turned, and his face immediately brightened upon seeing his children. 

"Sokka. Katara," he whispered, sounding slightly breathless. There was a glimmer in his eyes, like he was trying to stop himself from welling up with emotion. Both Sokka and Katara found themselves blinking back tears. 

"Hi, Dad," Sokka said, voice cracking in spite of his best efforts to sound as manly as possible. But he soon discovered that he didn't really care. 

Hakoda closed the distance between them quickly, and the next thing they knew, the siblings were wrapped up in their father's arms. They squeezed him back just as tightly. 

"I've missed you two so much..."

. . .

Back at the Earth King's palace, the 'Kyoshi Warriors', who were actually Azula, Mai and Ty Lee in disguise, knelt before King Kuei. 

"Look Bosco! The Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us! Aren't you excited?" Bosco yawned. "It's been a difficult week for me. My most trusted adviser, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me."

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