part i : enchanted

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Steve Harrington has been given many nicknames in all his years in Hawkins High. The Hair stuck around for a while, King Steve said by some, mostly the ones either pissed at him or obsessed with him. And at that time, he didn't really care. He did have good hair, and he did strut around, snarking like a king. He even had a queen. Nancy Wheeler.


Little Nancy Wheeler was perfect, and truly undeserving of him. She had good grades, had pretty hair, sparkling eyes, and enough wit to outshine every other girl that had tried their best to get Steve to even notice them. She felt good too, when they slept together. She was perfect.


Until Barbara Holland went missing. And as if life wasn't fucked up enough, she threw in Jonathan Byers too. Now, you can't blame Steve for thinking that Nancy was cheating on him with the older Byers child (though they did end up together later on) since they hung out a lot. That caused Steve to be impulsive, eventually leading to a downfall he barely recovered from.

Whatever negativities he had felt, however, evaporated when he saw that…. thing in the Byers' hallway. He was terrified, nearly damn pissing his pants. But he decided to help them instead, eventually leading back to his grown-out path.

He stayed with Nancy for a while, that is, until she called their relationship bullshit. It wasn't even a relationship, really, Steve had been keen on getting to know her and kissing her and the time they spent in bed together was good. But he could see the blossoming romance between her and Jonathan. So he let her go.


On the upside, he met unbearably annoying kids. The top contender was Dustin Henderson. Now, it's not like the kid wasn't nice, but they were kids. He was annoying. A little. Really, microscopically annoying. Just a tiny bit.


Okay, he lied. Dustin was a sweetheart and Steve could never deny admiring the kid for that. He was more than willing to jump into adventure no matter the situation. He also met Max Mayfield and Billy Hargrove, but more on that later.


Soon enough, the little shits, most especially Dustin, had wormed their way into his heart. Til this day, he wasn't sure if it was just due to the fact that they fought monsters (fucking Mind Flayer) together, or just that these kids were the only ones that cared about him enough to include him in anything they did. He was softening but fuck if he cared, he was just happy. He was even happy enough to give the young Henderson tips for his hair. Bless that child, really.


Graduating was a miracle, but he made it. Not without scars and failures, obviously, but what the hell at this point. He did have to look for jobs constantly and that was when he met Robin. A snarky, hilariously annoying, adorable klutz of a blonde that he worked with on Scoops Ahoy. She had no clue of the secret that laid beneath Hawkins, and he was more than glad for that.

Even if that meant she'd insult him so intelligently, his arguments and retorts would seem childish. Oh well. Robin Buckley was a wonderful, young badass that warmed his heart from the day they met.

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