maybe this life is not for me

33 2 0

Author note
Hello everyone author here so in trying to update everyday I did write a lot more but it don't save so I'm trying to rewrite this on a school night wish me luck 🥲

"GIYU WAIT UP DONT LEAVE ME HERE WITH HER😢" was what sabito said before giyu left him

"Think this as pay back sabito" Giyu said looking back at Sabito with a grin Giyu was really leaving him well nothing we can do now

A few minutes later

"GIYU WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME"sabito was on the brink of tears how pitiful of Sabito always telling Giyu to act like a man yet not acting one himself what a fucking hypocrite Sabito is I hope Giyu finds a better man

Giyu was sitting on one of the garden benches when he respond back to Sabito
"i told you one and I'll tell you again think of this as pay back" Giyu responded Giyu had no regrets for what he had just done

"Why are you like this Giyu?" Sabito cried out he went beside Giyu and joined him on the bench

Kizana watched in anger she was hiding behind one of the flower covered bush careful in to not making any sounds

It was about 3 at the time and Giyu started to lay on Sabito shoulder that's when Sabito heard breathing where his shoulder was Giyu was asleep and Sabito had gotten flustered when he realized it he would've pushed Giyu off but he looked so peaceful and well beautiful his beauty was nothing compare to the garden he was far much more even compare to roses, daffodils,daisys,wisteria,Sakura,lotus,lilies, 

Kizana could only watch in jealousy

It was about 5 when they were called once again Giyu had stayed with Sabito until he got called for dinner since Tsutako thought Giyu had left a few hours ago and didn't realize that Sabito was still here

"Giyu"a voice said it also came with a knock and that person was Sabito he had brought Giyu some food and some spare food for the trip they were bout to take a trip with no guarantee of making it out alive well maybe not that but you get the gist

By the time the lights went out it was 10 pm as well it was fall so it wasn't cold but it want warm either Sabito climb out from one of the windows in his bed room somehow he ended up with the smallest bedroom out of the 4 that was spilt amount his siblings and family it was still bigger than the servants quarter but smaller than either of his sisters or his parents

Giyu followed Sabito from the window Sabito jump down mid way as he slip against the walls it was hard enough to go down a wall but "a wall with no vines like in the books was even harder how does every book about how a royale escapes there's always some vine they use to escape" Giyu thought to himself Giyu was definitely the smarter one amount the duo he went to school with Sabito for as long as he remembered there wasn't a single moment in their lives that they were separated Giyu was also the one with a more feminine build Sabito was a lot more strong than Giyu only physically though physiologically Giyu was ,and there they were always there for each other no mater what

It only took a few more seconds till Sabito hit the ground with a thump ..... he fell how fucking stupid of him even inosuke would do that, Sabito looked at Giyu when he gracefully landed on the ground unlike him but that's when the escape really started Sabito looked around to see if there was any guards in sight when there wasn't they made their move they ran faster and faster to the point Giyu legs were trembling they were out of the palace's property out of its range it was to a point there's chance no one would find them till early morning

Both kids ran though the city by the time they were out of the kingdom it was about 12 if they kept at this pace they would be at the wisteria house by maybe 2 am

Giyu was tired but they have to keep running or they'll get caught and who would want that they ran into the enchanted forest ,the enchanted forest was a a clear flower path with blossoms as well as wisteria surrounding it the forest lit up the fire flys flew and the gems in the ground shined Sabito picked up one of the flowers it was a peony he took the flower and put in in Giyu hair, Giyu face turned a bright red after that

(Yk how in Sao they level up their skills it's kinda like that but more sword play and elemental it's kinda a sao Genshin mix also Genshin vision names cause I like how it sounds)

The gems color only become more vibrant as they walked the trail till they came to an open area a grassy flowery meadow no more trees only clear ground from here to where as far as his vision could see Sabito jumped into to soft grass and laid there for a moment

"Giyu come join me" Sabito said with a smile

"Look Sabito we're gonna have to hurry before that wisteria house thinks we made a sick joke of our reservation" Giyu looked at Sabito his eyes wandered of to some flowers in the distance as well as dragging Sabito to look at them

"Take a Break Giyu really we've been running for like an hour so chill out"Sabito responded to Giyus attempt to try getting him to move as well as dragging him

"Oh well then I'm leaving you" Giyu said walking away from Sabito,Sabito was laying in the meadow until Giyu tried to drag him

Sabito looked at Giyu when he he started to walk away from him after some time of Giyu leaving the meadow and Sabito behind,Sabito heard something or maybe someone...........


loud ones stomping so loud it trembled the whole forest the birds started to fly away and the tiny critters began to hide while others ran what he saw left him speechless.............

.........A demon......

he thought to himself 'I thought these didn't exist anymore' anymore he said from he heard of demons when his father was a demon slayer, demons were man eating monsters that prey on humans, although Sabito has had training as a swordsman and was More than capable of taking down one himself he didn't have enough courage to do it himself

The Demon was a monstrously large, veiny, hulking monster with olive green skin, blood red fingernails, and beady yellow eyes with cross-hatch shaped pupils , all that training would do nothing against it he though when the demon turned its head to Sabito it stared at him with cold eyes

"What do we have here?" The demon questioned Sabito never responded

The demon reaches several of his arms at him with high speeds before he could react someone had pushed him before he could get hit

it was ✨Giyu✨ and yet with Sabito not getting thrown by the demon , Giyu was knocked to a tree his arm hit the tree first it started to bleed gushes of blood coming out but before Sabito could react to the blood coming out of Giyu' s arm the demon again again took another swing to him again yet this time the arm fell off

"HUH HOW DID MY ARM FALL OFF?"the demon questioned as he took another swing at Sabito that same arm also fell beneath him, a elderly man with a tenth mask stepped in

"EH WHO ARE YOU?"the demon questioned the man

The man said nothing as he Took out his katana once again before he attempted to slicing its head off yet the demon dodge the attack as trying to form one himself  before one of his arms shot up from the ground the floor trembled once again

The took a swing at the demons neck with its sword and with it the demon was now dead his head and body started to fade into ash

"Are you boys okay?" The man questioned concerned of what just happened it was a lot to take in

"Im fine I think-" Sabito was cut off after remembering that Giyu still had blood coming out of him like a bloody tampon

Sabito ran toward Giyu checking to see if he was okay the pulse was fast his heart rate definitely increase as well as there still blood from when he took a hit from the demon his arm would be okay and he would live but he did pass out, the man help bandage Giyu

Author note:

Ending word count :1556

My dear living adventure to escape(sabigiyu and multiple other giyu ships)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora